Monday, November 23, 2015

City Council Preview, Monday, November 23, 2015

With Prince Rupert City Council closing in on the first anniversary of their installation in Office, the final meeting for November provides for a look at a number of variance and zoning issues for the most part to be directed to the attention of Council members.

Council members will also be revisiting the theme of building density and height allowances in the downtown core, with a particular focus indicated towards the proposed building development for the Stiles Place/Bill Murray Way area.

Another proposed housing development will get its first review tonight as well, as council considers a zoning amendment for a lot on Prince Rupert Boulevard at Drake Crescent, with a proposed condominium/town home development part of the proposal for that lot.

One other item of interest on the evening includes a report from the Recreation Department, which will outline the city's plan when it comes to a proposed increase in Recreation Fees for use of the city's recreation facilities.

As we outlined on the blog on Friday, that proposal which Council will vote on as part of Monday's session, will see the streamlining of the fee structure for use of Civic facilities, as well as a proposed increase in fees of five percent for the next four years. The report from the Recreation Department can be found as  part of the Agenda for tonight's meeting see below (The Recreation Report starts on page 104)

One item that might catch the eye of recreation users is a segment of the actual proposed bylaw which lists the various facilities that fall under the City's control and the notice that some of the fields listed may be closed to free use by the public.

As well, as part of tonight's session, Council will hold a discussion on the latest efforts from the Housing committee.

The full review of the evening ahead can be found from the Regular Council Agenda for November 23, 2015

Monday is also a Committee of the Whole session, offering an opportunity for residents of the community to approach Council members with items of concern or to seek further information on any questions they may have, the Agenda for the Session can be found here.

Prior to the Regular Council session, Council members will conduct a Closed Session at 5 PM, where they will hold discussions related to  a topic that Council believes requires the exclusion of the public :

negotiations and related discussions respecting the proposed provision of a municipal service that are at their preliminary stages and that, in the view of the council, could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality if they were held in public.

Below we'll highlight the different elements of this evenings work from the Regular session Agenda, for further background on each item, the page number from the Agenda is listed in red.

The Regular  Council session starts off with the adoption of agendas and minutes.

Petitions and Delegations

Any Unfinished Business is then up next on the Agenda.

Followed by Reports and Recommendations

Report from the City Planner -- Regarding an Application for a Development variation permit for a property on 8th Avenue East (see page 6 of the Agenda Package)

Requests follow next in the night's timeline.

Followed by any Correspondences for Action

Resolutions from Closed meetings and Resolutions from Closed Meetings

Bylaws mark the next item of the Agenda on the night.

Report from the City Planner  -- Regarding an amendment to the proposed Amendment Zoning Bylaw, to introduce a new Downtown High rise Zone and Amend Downtown Development Permit Area Design Guidelines at Bill Murray Way -- Council will revisit a conversation it first started back in July and consider a number of proposed Zoning amendment as outlined by the City Planner 
( see page 25 of the Agenda Package)

Report from the City Planner regarding  a zoning amendment for a property off of Prince Rupert Boulevard at Drake Crescent -- Council will consider the proposed change in zoning for a lot on the city's east side, which if approved could see a condominium/town home complex built on the site
(see page 79 of the Agenda Package )

Report from the Director of Recreation and Community Services -- Regarding proposed Recreation Fee charges -- Council will review a report from the Recreation Department calling for the streamlining of levels of charges for recreation facilities, as well as an increase of five percent for four years, to bring the city's charges in line with other communities (see page 104 of the Agenda Package)

The evening then wraps up with Additional Items from Council members, as well as Reports, Questions and inquiries from Members of Council.

On the latter theme, Council members have indicated that more discussion related to the City's Housing Committee will take place at this time.

The Live broadcast of the City Council session can be found here, a video archive of past sessions is available here.

Our Archive of the November 23rd session can be found here.

While our archive of all sessions of 2015  for council  is available here.

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