Monday, January 3, 2011


To those that have stumbled across our portal welcome, we hope to use this space as an archive of items of note to those who live, once lived or are just interested in the  events of Prince Rupert and the North coast of British Columbia.

There will be little in the way of opinion or editorial commentary in this space, instead think of it as a rolling history project, tracking the developments of note for the region, whether from a local perspective, or from further afield, both national and international.

Most posts will be short, with a little preamble to the information to come and a link to the original resource material.

Our hope is that it will prove to be a handy reference point for information on the North Coast, a spot where with a glance you might have an understanding as to what is happening in the region.

As we develop the North Coast Review, we'll offer up links to different aspects of the region, from a variety of reference materials whether it  be media information sources, or civic and regional offices which provide information for both residents and visitors.

Whether you're stopping by for a few seconds or taking a longer look at what's going on along the North Coast, we welcome you aboard.

1 comment:

  1. Is this the continuation of the Podunk blog?
