Monday, July 10, 2023

City of Prince Rupert seeking Bids towards Social Development Assessment

The City of Prince Rupert started its process forwards towards learning more about the disparity between high and low income groups in the community, launching a call for bids for a Social Development Assessment.

The Bid package for prospective applicants was issued through the BC Bid process on Friday.

The Summary of the Call for proposals highlighting the focus for the City.

click to enlarge

The Project as explained in the RFP overview,  is one that the City and its partners will use towards seeking additional funding and assist cit staff in implementing a Poverty reduction/social impact assessment tool to ensure that policy is applied through a poverty reduction lens.

click to enlarge

The RFP closes on August 25th, from that closing date, the path forward for the project looks as follows:

click to enlarge

The City's contact person towards the initiative is Veronika Stewart, Manager of Communications, Engagement and Social Development.  

The Social Development Assessment follows up on some of the work done towards the city's Housing Needs study which provided for an interim Housing strategy report in February of 2021.

More on the housing elements can be reviewed from our archive page here.

More notes on City Council themes is available from our archive page.


  1. Sorry but is this not a federal / principal responsibility ? Why more downloading?

    1. Because this is Prince Rupert. We have lots of money for studies but none to implement the findings or recommendations'. Don't know why we bother unless it justifies someone's job.
