Making use of our Blog Watching feature and a quick scan of our statistical review over the last 365 days to determine those stories which most resonated with regular readers of the North Coast Review through 2015.
Not surprisingly among the leading areas of interest of the year are developments with the proposed LNG industry on the North Coast, while readers also found a wide ranging interest in our items of note related to Municipal government in Prince Rupert.

The flip of the calendar would seem set to deliver some form of resolution to many of the topics that dominated the news cycle since January.
And while there is still some uncertainty when it comes to number of the key topics of the region, one area of importance to the region, that being port development plans seem to be making some important progress. With expansion concepts for Fairview Terminal and other Port related facilities to be moved forward in the year ahead.
Considering the large amount of interest on those themes, you can explore the past items of 2015 further from our archive pages dedicated to those key areas.
City Council Discussion Points
LNG on the North Coast
Prince Rupert Port Authority
As well, for those items of note from Victoria and Ottawa and the impact on the North Coast, you can look back the political scene both on Federal and Provincial issues below:
House of Commons
For those that are interested in the political scene we also offer a purely political portal designed to track items of note on the provincial and federal scene, with a few contributions from the North Coast that fit into that particular theme.
The Monthly review from our blog listings can be found below.
Featuring those stories which attracted the most readers, it offers an interesting cross section of some of the stories that caught the attention of North Coast residents over the last year.
The Hub Opens its doors in downtown Prince Rupert
Finishing Touches in place as All Native Basketball Tournament launch on the horizon
Special Announcement planned by Prince Rupert Port Authority for Tuesday
Councillor Mirau's motion spurs on discussion on need for new ideas on revenue generation for the city
Council members to attend Housing Forum in Terrace
Prince Rupert's Rainbow Crosswalk one step closer to approval
Kanata School lands rezoning sparks more discussion at Council
Nexen looks to launch Digby Island evaluation for Aurora LNG Terminal Project
Metlakatla stakes a claim to the discussion over Lelu Island
Lax Kw'alaams releases Science Report related to Lelu Island
Canfisco to bring an end to Salmon canning operations at Prince Rupert plant
Lelu Island LNG Opponents continue media push against proposed terminal
You can also check out the week by week items of review from our Blog Watch feature, our snapshot that is provided every Sunday, making note of the most read items of the week previous.
The review of the week to week findings can be found here.
For all our readers, our thanks for taking some time from your busy days and nights to check out some of the items that we have found resonating around the North Coast over the last 365 days.
As well, our thanks to those that have taken the time to drop us a note with story ideas or feedback on the items we have featured over the year just past, it helps us to provide a focus on the items that you are interested in and which we will continue to explore in the year to come.
Readers can contact us at
You can also follow the blogs latest items through Twitter or Pinterest.
We hope that New Years Eve is an enjoyable one for all those who spend some time with our work, and as they say, everything in moderation makes for wise counsel on this final night of the year.
May 2016 bring you a successful and healthy year ahead and provide for some fascinating stories for us all to explore as the year unfolds as it will.