Friday, April 22, 2022

Council Timeline: Monday, April 11, 2022

With Mayor Lee Brain participating remotely on the night, 
Councillor Reid Skelton-Morven was in the Chair 
as host of the April 11th Council Session

The April 11th City Council was dominated by Council's latest attempts to move forward with their Renoviction-Rental Housing Bylaw plans, a topic which exhausted more than half of the one hour of work on the night.

It was a session that as things turned once again could have been billed as a CityWest exclusive broadcast, that after the city's live streaming process failed leaving those who normally stream the council session to just wonder what everyone might be talking about on the night. 

It marked the second council session in a row, where the City staff could not provide for a video stream of the Council proceedings, other than that which is delivered to CityWest.

The evening also featured review of a number of Development Variance permit requests from the planning office.

Richard Pucci, the city's Operations Director also provided for some reports on major projects progress and the city's plans towards forward momentum for the Waterfront Project and the new RCMP detachment.

The evening began with the final City Council presentation towards the 2022 Civic budget, a short review from the City's Financial Officer that covered many of the items of note from previous sessions and once again featured no contribution from the public.

Some background on the work of Council for the night can be review from the Regular Agenda Package for the April 11th session.

Council also hosted a Closed Meeting, making for the seventh of the in camera sessions for 2022.

The details related to the reasons for the behind closed door gathering can be reviewed here.

As noted above, Monday also brought a Committee of the Whole the Agenda notes for that element can be reviewed here.

Further information from our overview and placement in the video archives can be fond below, with the permanent record of the council minutes added as they are posted to the city website.

Council proceedings have now returned to in person sessions at City Hall.

In attendance Monday, April 11, 2022

Mayor Lee Brain -- Present (by video)
Councillor Nick Adey -- Present
Councillor Barry Cunningham -- Present
Councillor Blair Mirau -- Present
Councillor Reid Skelton-Morven -- Present
Councillor Wade Niesh -- Present 
Councillor Gurvinder Randhawa -- Present

Video Archive for Monday, April 11, 2022 


Committee of the Whole Session

( 0:00 -- 1:00 ) Committee of the Whole Session for Monday, April 11, 2022

Councillor Skelton Morven served as Chair, with the Mayor participating from out of town by video,   Mr. Morven called the session to order, adopting the Agenda for the session, along with the statement of the Chair which explained the Committee process.

(  1:00 -- 6:00   ) Ms. Corinne Bomben, the City's Chief Financial Officer and Deputy City Manager Presentation of the 2022 Budget process.

Ms. Bomben  provided a snapshot of her previous presentation of March 14th, noting of the potential tax increase of 3.63 percent to the mill rate, estimated for the average homeowner as an increase of 67 dollars.

Towards the increase she noted of the need for emergency infrastructure repairs,  to rehouse the Public Works Crew, additional Fire house staff, RCMP contract increases and the addition of the 24 hour washroom service downtown.

She provided a short tutorial on the mill rate and how it will impact on property owners when it comes time to pay taxes in early July. As well she outlined which taxes are collected by the city on behalf of other organizations which makes up thirty percent of the tax burden.

She also outlined the process in place now for Home owners to apply for the provincial grant and tax deferral policy.

No members of the public came forward to provide for questions related to the Budget Process.


Regular Council Session 

( 6:00 -- 7:00:30 ) Regular Council Session for Monday, April 11, 2022

Councillor Skelton-Morven called the session to order, adopting the past minutes and Agenda for the evening's session, with the addition of one item for the night,.

Reports and Resolutions

( 7:00:30 -- 7:00:45)Report from Corporate Administrator   -- The Corporate Administrator noted that there was nothing further to report other than what was in the agenda package. (see page 13  of the Agenda package)

(7:00:45 -- 9:45 ) Report from Director of Operations  -- Council received the Monthly Major projects Update from Richard Pucci, the City's Director of Operations and Intergovernmental Relations. Of note from his report was that the washrooms at the Eat Street project are suffering from some significant abuse with damage and people sleeping inside of them, which is a situation the city is working with the RCMP towards. The Woodworth Dam project is 95 percent complete with anticipation of a completion by  the end of May. Council members had no questions to ask of the Director. (see page 14 of the Agenda package)

(9:45 -- 10:45  ) Report from Director of Operations  -- Council received  a report from Richard Pucci, the City's Director of Operations and Intergovernmental Relations who outlined the details towards a Transition Notification related to the CN Station and RCMP Detachment projects. Council members had no questions to ask of the Director.  (see page 17  of the Agenda package)

10:45 -- 11:55  ) Report from Planning  -- Council received  a report from the planning department noting the Development Activity in the city for March 2022. The timeline and status of projects in progress was outlined for the Councillors. The Council members had no questions for the planning office.  (see page 18 of the Agenda package)

11:55 -- 16:50  ) Report from Planning  -- Council received a report from planning related towards a Development Variance Permit for a property at 1107 -- 11th Avenue East.  Councillor Cunningham outlined some of the conversation he had with the proponent, providing for a friendly amendment to allow for larger footprint for the deck in question, towards a right of way. City Manager Robert Buchan spoke to the topic noting that the cantilever option recommended would address the concerns that staff had. He outlined how the friendly amendment would address that, but that it would be required to go back to the property owner along with public notification required. Council then voted to amend the permit.  (see page 27  of the Agenda package)

16:50 -- 18:00 ) Report from Planning  -- Council received a report from planning related towards a Development Variance Permit for a property at 1130 -- 11th Avenue East. Council had no comments or concerns and moved the variance process forward, sending it to public notification.  (see page 36  of the Agenda package)


18:00 -- 19:15  ) Report from Planning -- Rezoning of property --  Council will be asked to provide fourth and final reading for the bylaw to allow for a change in property designation from Residential to Industrial for a property on Portage Avenue. There was no discussion to the topic (see page 44  of the Agenda package)

19:15 -- 19:50 ) Report from Director of Operations --  Cemetery Fees and Care Amendment Bylaw -- Council will be asked to provide  fourth and final reading for the bylaw. There was no discussion to the topic (see page 48  of the Agenda package)

19:50 -- 20:50 ) Report from Director of Operations --  Road Closure Bylaw -- Council will be asked to repeal Third Reading of the Closure Bylaw. Councillor Niesh made an inquiry related to the process of the repeal. The Bylaw will now be in proper order following public notification.  (see page 50  of the Agenda package)

 20:50 --57:00 ) Report from City Manager/Planner -- Business Regulations and Licensing Bylaw --  Council was asked to provide third reading towards the city's proposed Bylaw on housing regulations, known more for its notes on renoviction issues.

Themes outlined in the report included: Cost of rehousing if required for temporary accommodation. A need for clarifying language on suspending a licence. Language towards potential exemptions on a case by case basis. A note on changes from bylaw legislation in New Westminster, which some of the Prince Rupert bylaw is based on, towards additional protections, the removal which had come as a surprise to City staff.  The Proposed changes were included in the Report and attached bylaw.

Towards discussion to the topic, Councillor Mirau led off the council review. Asking questions of the City Manager, his focus that of a minimum exemption for smaller units of ten units or less.  

Councillor Adey followed up noting he wasn't sure where Council should draw the line, as for his question he asked for a review towards the logic and the benefits of exemptions.

The City Manager noted of the burden that the bylaw could place on those property owners with just one rental suite.

Another point for Mr. Adey was how some of the city bylaw would duplicate regulations now in place by the provincial Government.

The City Manager noted that the provincial regulations provide some protections for tenants, and that the city's proposed bylaw would add additional protections for tenants beyond what the province has put in place.

While Councillor Adey suggested the city remove any areas that are duplicated, the City Manager noted that there wouldn't be be much to remove from the city's bylaw and that there wasn't any element to strike from the document.

Councillor Niesh returned to the topic of units to be the limit, settling on five or more units as a benchmark.

Councillor Cunningham expressed his concerns over the limit question, noting how property owners could work around the situation by adding units to a duplex to be exempt from the bylaw.

The City Manager observed how the particular issue is not allowed at the moment, with the topic part of the city's ongoing housing action review.

Mayor Brain asked for some clarification on the bylaw wording and noted how his main concern over the entire process is to address the difference between the larger professional companies and those of individual property owners, with his desire not to punish the individual property owners while addressing tenants needs.

The City Manager clarified the theme of relocation costs and noted how there is no relocation cost being put in place, the landlord would not pay for relocation wit the exception of  a loophole where someone who has lost a licence and then is looking to evict someone to rent somebody else.

Mr. Buchan added that the only requirement for other landlords in the normal process of temporary relocation, is that they would only have to arrange for alternative accommodations, they don't have to pay for those accommodations, just find the tenants somewhere to live.

Councillor Cunningham offered up the guidance that the city should follow the path which offers the most protection to the tenants. 

Councillor Niesh sought further clarification on terminology related to duplex development, with Mr. Buchan noting that the Report hasn't bee completed yet and how they won't know the answers until the bylaw is adopted.

The proposed bylaw for duplexes would mean there would be no rezoning required to add to the suites in existing duplexes. The City Manager noted that Prince Rupert may be ahead of the province in the quest to add to housing stock on existing footprints, making the City more proactive on the issue of housing.

Councillor Randhawa noted how he was comfortable with elements A-D, Councillor Cunningham also expressed his comfort with the option provided by element D. Mr. Cunningham also observed of the issue of parking that could become a problem related to densification of some areas of the city.

Councillor Adey, noted how the city could draw a line and those owners who fall on the wrong side of the line could have an avenue of appeal to follow.

Council then voted to accept the amendments A-D as outlined by the City Managers report as part of their third reading for the Bylaw. (see page 53  of the Agenda package)

Questions, Comments, Reports or Inquiries from Council

( 57:00 --1:00:00  )  Councillor Niesh spoke to his experience representing the City at the All Native Basketball Tournament, reviewing some of the highlights from the event that were of note to him.

Councillor Cunningham asked a question of Engineering related to a light standard that has been knocked down and others not working and when it would be addressed. The City's Director of Operations observed he was not aware of the situation as described by the Councillor.

Councillor Randhawa also praised the All Native Tournament and paid tribute to the city staff for their work at the venue.

Councillor Skelton-Morven, noted that Councillor Niesh had stepped in on behalf of himself and the Mayor, he too took note of the success of the event

With no other comments from the council membership the April 11th Council Session came to an end.

You can access our Council Session page here, where a number of items regarding the Council Session, including links to local media coverage can be found.

As always, our Council Timeline is only a reflection of our observations from the Council Session of the night.  Be sure to consult with the official minutes from the City, when posted to their website for further review.

Official minutes of the Regular Council Session from April 11th, 2022 (not available yet)

The Next Session for Prince Rupert City Council is set for Monday, April 25 , 2022.

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