Tuesday, May 2, 2023

A Line Painting kind of a day

Yellowhead Line Marking are in town laying down some
roadway markings on a sunny Prince Rupert afternoon

Motorists making their way around town today are either dodging construction sites or line painting sessions with a lot happening around the streets of Prince Rupert.

On the East Side, BC Hydro is installing new poles along  Hays Cove Avenue just past Sixth Avenue East, with flag people on hand to control traffic through the area.

Down the hill along Drydock Road, Yellowhead line painting is at work with crews laying down the pavement markings this afternoon underway from the Canadian Fish Plant and all Along George Hills Way through to the Cow Bay Area.

Last week the City noted of the ongoing work around the city, as the line painting crews were taking advantage of the sunny weather and warmer temperatures of the last little while.

In addition to the BC Hydro and Line painting work, City of Prince Rupert crews are addressing a range of challenges in a number of areas of town.

More notes on Civic Operations can bereviewed here.


  1. Yellowhead as been our road paint contractor since 2019.
    Here is what their services cost taxpayers each year.

    2019 - $111,361
    2020 - $81,055
    2021 - $58,417

    Given the annual commentary on our road markings, this reader asks why we are reducing our spend in this area?

    There are standards in place for our highways when it comes to the use of recognized products by contractors.

    Does our local Operations department have similar standards in place, and are they communicated to Yellowhead?

    Great questions to ask at the next council meeting.

    1. A better question to ask is whether those cuts to the line painting budget are a direct result of the loss of Port-related tax revenues

    2. Council in their wisdom one year questioned the traffic wear on the paint. The idea paint later in the year.
      They started late bad weather came along very little done.
      Line painting should be done consistently year over year. This way in many spots you are building on paint rather then bare road. This is a much better product then the hit and miss system the city uses.

    3. If the city has standards there is lack of implementation and enforcement.

    4. Since 2004, the Port Property Tax Act has been amended ten times. Since 2014, it has only been amended twice.

      So wait all you want for those changes, other residents will continue to question City Hall expenditures and push them to raise their standards through forums like this blog, in person at City Hall, or online at https://engage.princerupert.ca/

    5. Sir this is about line painting
