Tuesday, May 2, 2023

BC Hydro seeks change to Residential rate program for customers

BC Hydro has made an application to the BC Utilities Commission towards a change in how customers will be assessed hydro rates, proposing a new stepped rate concept for consideration.

The main thrust of their presentation in front of the BCUC is to charge less for electricity during off peak hours and more in the busiest  times of the day. 

The impact on customers if approved would be that they would receive a credit of 5 cent per kilowatt hour fore electric that is used from 11PM to 7AM

Thee would be an additional 5 cents per kilo watt hour for electricity that is used in the Peak Period of 4PM to 9PM

There would be no credits or additional charges apple for the periods of 7AM to 4PM and 9 PM to 11 PM

The proposed shift could see residential hydro users make changes to how they do things around the home, deferring the dishwasher or washing machine use to the later periods, or stay up late perhaps to save on such tasks.

As well, with EV automobiles becoming more common  around the province, charging the car at home would be another area where waiting would provide benefits.

BC Hydro has a comprehensive document included as part of their application with the BCUC which outlines their previous work and consultation towards their proposed plan.

Part of that consultation included feedback from over 35,000 customers and stakeholders through a pubic engagement process.

The two options include one that would see a 2.7% increase for all customers or Option 2 which makes use of their stepped pricing concept.

BC Hydro makes note of how the program works in other provinces as part of its overview.

BCUC starts up their process of review on May 4th, any changes approved  towards the Current rate structure won't go into effect until 2024.

More notes on Hydro themes in the northwest can be reviewed from our archive page.

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