Monday, May 15, 2023

City Re-Starts the clock on comments towards Port City Spirits Liquor Licence amendment Referral

Those with an interest in commenting on the liquor licence amendment for 
Port city Spirts on Fraser Street have until May 23rd to submit their
comments to the City of Prince Rupert

Friday afternoon saw the City of Prince Rupert put out it's official announcement calling for additional comments towards the Referral process for Port City Spirits, the proposed distillery and tasting room on Fraser Street that is seeking a lounge amendment.

The call for additional comments came following the May 8th City Council session, where the proposed lounge element became the focus for some significant discussion by the public and the proponents in the public comment period, followed by more discussion by City Councillors later into their Regular Council Session .

click to enlarge

Council added the additional time to the comment period following a concern from a member of the public that the information relay towards the original comment period did not provide for enough advance notice.

For it's part Council also noted that with the City's Parking bylaw issue still to be taken care of; there was no urgency towards a council decision towards any referral, deferring that until the May 23rd Council session.

Details towards the extended comment period can be reviewed below:

click to enlarge

Some background on last Monday's Council session discussion to the topic can be reviewed below:

In addition to the Port City Spirits item, Council members may also receive a report from City staff at their next council session to offer up recommendations towards how they may wish to  address future Liquor Related Referrals from the Province.

That topic made for a secondary Council discussion last week, with City Manager Rob Buchan taking Council through the current process, from that discussion came the request for a follow up report.

More notes related to City Council can be reviewed through our archive page here.


  1. Any chance you could get comment from the proponents?

    1. Proponents provided a pretty good summation in their commentary to Council on the 8th, check it out in the first link above. NCR

    2. Sorry I meant about the delay to the process not the proposal

    3. Focus for the story of today was more on the Civic process, wasn't planning a follow up until that resumes on May 23.

      The proponents don't have much in the way of contact info other than their FB page which is somewhat dusty not having been updated since November.

      No email address, no website, no twitter feed and such

      Maybe they'll speak to the topic on FB before the 23rd.

      They will of course, like all those with an interest have opportunity to speak at public comment period of the May 23rd session to the process that is underway.

      If something else comes up, or the storyline of the topic changes, I might do an update before the Council process resumes later this month

