Friday, November 3, 2023

New RCMP Build shapes the streetscape at McBride and Third Ave East

The view from McBride Street of the new
RCMP detachment under construction 

Progress continues forward towards the new RCMP detachment, with much of the facility now framed up  with a roof atop, the work to date providing a visual guide now as to the footprint of the structure at Third Avenue West and McBride adjacent the Provincial Court House.

At the October 23rd City Council session, a report for Council on the status of Major Projects indicated that the work on the new detachment to this point had reached the 25 percent completion rate.

The City used the Alternative Approval Process towards securing assent of voters for the 25 million dollar loan towards the cost of the project.

In early October, the City formally announced the details towards the art work that is destined for the new detachment. 

Occupancy of the new detachment is anticipated for sometime in 2024, though a specific date has yet to be set.

The RCMP detachment build was in the news earlier this week following an incident on October 30th which saw a decommissioned gas line struck.  

The situation one which resulted in a minor gas leak, it necessitated a small scale evacuation of neighbouring businesses until PNG and CT Northern Contractors Alliance the contractors on site had a chance to explore the damage, prior to issuing the all Clear.

The RCMP build incident was the second significant situation in recent weeks for civic infrastructure projects, an 'event' as Mayor Pond described that took place at the Montreal Circle Reservoir on October 17th.

The City has yet to provide for any expanded information on either of those situations through the range of information sharing options that they have available.

You can review all of the city's work on Major Projects and Infrastructure from our archive page here.


  1. What is completion date. Percentage means nothing without a baseline to measure performance.

    1. People at city hall have busy lives and it’s hard to keep up with everything.
      Sometime in 2024 is what taxpayers get.

    2. 2024 has 12 months that is not a completion date..

    3. Occupancy by the end of2024 seems a reasonable goal. What’s the complaint? We waited 15 years for a solution now we’re talking 15 months to completion. Seems good to

    4. The complaint is the city using percentage to show progress on projects. If they don’t provide a completion date you have no idea if we are behind or ahead on a project. Usually if over on time the project is over on costs. Council deserves this information, actually so does the taxpayers.
