Thursday, July 16, 2020

Curl BC Survey seeks input from curlers on plans for 2020-21 season

Prince Rupert's Curlers are being asked to fill our a survey this off season

The Prince Rupert Curling Club is pointing members towards a Curl BC survey that will help the local club make plans towards the curling season ahead, all while working with measures related to COVID.

The short survey from the Provincial organization consists of eleven questions that will provide  some guidance for local clubs as they make their preparations.

One of a number of survey questions for BC curlers this off season
to help local clubs plan for 2020-21

Among some of the other questions in the survey include: whether curlers have any concerns about wearing masks or face shields, how many times a week they may want to curl and other themes that explore how clubs will operate, or not operate, if the case may be in the season ahead.

The full survey can be accessed here.

Earlier this week the Prince Rupert Club hosted its Annual General Meeting, where members explored the current situation for curling in the area and what plans they may have for the year ahead.

So far, they have not provided for an  update on those discussions and what the path to the pebbled ice may hold on the North Coast.

You can keep up to speed with notes from the Prince Rupert Curling Club from their Facebook page.

For more notes on Curling in the Northwest see our archive page here.

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