Tuesday, May 9, 2023

One less Transportation option to Terrace for now, as Friendship House Transportation Service is sidelined

The Friendship House Travel program is off the road for a few
days owing to maintenance needs

Those in Prince Rupert who were planning to travel to Tuesday today aboard the Friendship House Transportation service heard some bad news on Monday, with the local organization cancelling today's run noting that Thursday's travels may be on hold as well.

Maintenance work on the Friendship House van is the reason given in a social media message Monday  as to the suspension of travel for the time bing, with travellers advised to follow their Social Media stream for updates on the service.

The Friendship House route is one of only a few options for Prince Rupert residents to travel east, with the BC Bus North  and Northern Health Connections Bus both also serving the community but on limited schedules as well.

While many other Northwest communities have come together to form a BC Transit based network to connect the cities and towns through to Prince George, Prince Rupert has chosen to remain outside of that loop a decision reached in 2016 by the previous Prince Rupert City Council,.

The newly installed City Council of 2022, though one with many of the previous members still in place,  has not shown any public interest in taking up the standing offer to link in with the Routes that travel from Terrace to points east.

More notes on travel along Highway 16 can be reviewed from our archive page.


  1. Glad that our city didn’t sign up local taxpayers for subsidizing a shopping bus to Terrace! We already have to subsidize the port, so let’s not have to do the same with BC Transit!

    1. Do you ever form any other cognitive thought, other than 'port subsidy'?

      Anyways, Prince Rupert seems out of step with the entire NW on the BC Transit model a project once endorsed by the MLA but seemingly one that has faded from view ...

      It actually provides a valuable service from Terrace to Prince George and compliments similar services as that offered by Friendship House. NCR

    2. Poor anonymous blogger doesn’t like comments that question things he doesn’t want to scrutinize fully for some reason…

    3. Hardly, just pointing out that your repetitive screeds could use some new oomph to them ... you may lose your audience without some new material NCR

    4. Hate to break it to this commentor,
      You as a taxpayer subsidize
      - The bus to the airport
      - The Northern Health Bus
      - BC Transit
      - Translink

      BTW, BC Transit does not offer Sunday service in Prince Rupert. Some how, some way the above commentor will blame the PRPA and the port for that as well.

    5. Funny, the 11:05AM response commenter was not me, the original commenter.

      But also very funny that the slightest scrutiny of the Port seems to set off the blogger. Your thin skin is showing again!

    6. Instead of complaining about provincial subsidies that support our community, why not complain about some that don’t.

      Fact of the matter is that if we don’t have an environment that’s attractive and competitive for terminal operators we’ll lose opportunity. DP World doesn’t owe PR anything . We need them more than they need us. Quit your bellyaching and help create a public discourse that’s attractive to investors. We need more investment, not less.

    7. Weird that someone’s comments bug you that much, wonder if you have a vested interest. Makes sense since your blog is heavily city-hating and lenient on the port. Guess that’s what accountability and transparency is really all about

    8. Hmm, I remember at a public forum in the past how transparency seemingly wasn't a big thing for the city council of the time but you be you.

      Now, Beyond the ad hominem screeds, gaslighting and the hashtag movements you advocate ...

      For some reason you believe you should always have the final word on every single topic .. so enjoy NCR

    9. Looks like the post about a lack of transparency has gotten under your skin. Probably because you’re a fraud and you know it deep down inside

    10. Wow, such sneer from the blogger about a legitimate debate about Port industrial tax subsidies!

      Now we know why the coverage has been so one sided

  2. Inter-community travel is a provincial responsibility, I agree that PR taxpayers shouldn’t be paying so people can go shop in terrace 2 times a week. BC bus and Northern Health bus are available

    1. Sir this is the Friendship House

  3. Oh boy this blogger has such thin skin. Doesn’t like to be questioned, like a little dictator who only wants his bias opinions to be known but won’t be accountable or transparent with who he is and has created a ‘community’ of anonymous commenter(s) creating such a poor dialogue of community events.

    1. Classic exclusionary behaviour.

      From the commentor assuming that every blog contributor is a sir.
      To the commentor incessantly pouting about PILT.

      There is a reason why NCR exists in this community, because of people like yourselves who bully, disrespect and intimidate others for expressing an opinion that is incongruent with your views.

      Myopic views like yours are holding our community back. Your last comment proves to all other readers that you are part of the problem. You will never be part of the solution.

    2. Bullying anonymous commenters, gotta love the woke who feel their anonymous views are being suppressed! LMAO

    3. Hahaha try googling “sir this an Arby’s” and you will see you just made an absolute joke of yourself.

      NCR exists because our local media ecosystem is on the verge of death. It doesn’t exist because you are a snowflake

    4. Did you just assume my gender?

    5. Someone has just won a set of complimentary Steak Knives for most observant comment of the entire thread!!! NCR

    6. This blog isn’t media or filling a gap. There are media standards and nothing about this blog meets them. This is a less than amateur hobby blog with zero credibility or influence. Not to mention no accountability or transparency or any ability to correct its biases.

  4. One cannot help but notice how the pro-port crowd cannot seem to handle the slightest criticism by anonymous commenters on an anonymous blog on a completely unrelated topic.

    Look back on the first chirpy and sarcastic comment that sparked this thread and how comical this whole situation now is.

    Let’s all take a Brain breather.

  5. This comment thread is straight up unhinged. I had to grab some popcorn for the pure entertainment value.

    What an illuminating look into the local anonymous abyss.

    It’s the blogosphere equivalent of the hockey dads who berate the refs and coaches that are seemingly the only obstacle to their child reaching the NHL.

  6. To NCR,

    Thanks for everything you do. Best local news source we have. Not profit driven, fair and accurate reporting.

    1. the above comment reads as someone writing about themselves in the 3rd person

  7. It said the bus is in for service this week. It didn’t say it was sidelined indefinitely. Be careful how you word posts online you might give people the wrong idea the bus won’t run no more. I don’t think it stopped forever!
