Friday, August 11, 2023

Council Timeline: Monday, July 24, 2023

Back from our summer sabbatical, we pick up things where we left off in late July, with a look at the work of Prince Ruper City Council from their July council session. 

Council members launched their more relaxed schedule for the summer months this month, hosting their only council session of the thirty one days on the 24th.

The one hour and a bit of civic themes included two reports and presentations during the Committee of the Whole portion of the night; the first on the development of a new civic website, followed by the reveal of the new Civic Transportation Plan, with the Council members taken through a range of features for both.

The Transportation themes would also come up again in the Regular Council session. 

Council members also adopted a number of items that were included as part of the Consent Agenda.

Other themes for the night included two Remdial Action orders for properties in the community with building and item removals ordered for the property known as Rosies on Third West, as well as for the Angus Apartments on Second West.

Council members also addressed three late items related to Development permits for three properties in the community.

The Agenda for the Monday session can be reviewed here.  

The Committee of the Whole Agenda can be reviewed here.  

Council also hosted a Closed Council session at 5PM the twelfth such closed meeting of the year. The details related to the call for exclusion of the public can be reviewed here.

Further information from our overview and placement in the video archives can be found below; with the permanent record of the Council minutes added as they are posted to the city website.


In attendance: Monday, July 24, 2023

Mayor Herb Pond -- Present 
Councillor Nick Adey -- Present 
Councillor Barry Cunningham -- Present
Councillor Teri Forster -- Present 
Councillor Reid Skelton-Morven -- Present
Councillor Wade Niesh -- Present 
Councillor Gurvinder Randhawa -- Present

Video Archive  for Monday, July  24, 2023  



(  00:00 -- 1:00  Call to Order

Adoption of the Agenda --  The Mayor opened the session with a review of the Committee of the Whole Agenda of the July 25th session and sought approval of Council  towards it. 

Petitions and Delegations 

(  1:00 -- 14:30  The City's Director of Communications,Engagement and Social Development,  provided a short tutorial on what is ahead for the launch of a new civic website for the community, noting of its cost sensitive approach.

Ms Stewart outlined how the current website was becoming more challenging to maintain as it aged and then provided some notes on the look to the new features and how it incorporates the new city logo design and branding.

The cost was 5,000 dollars for the development of the new portal which was done by a Victoria based company and will require 2,500 per year for maintenance and web hosting.

A slideshow that was part of the presentation provided additional details to the new civic information piece.

The launch date is set for early August. 

The Communications Director noted that the city is welcoming comments and observations towards the new look for the website.

City Manager Rob Buchan paid tribute to the work of the civic staff towards the development of the new portal and observed of the financial benefit that came from the creation of the new site.

Councillor Randhawa asked about the potential for reporting on items such as potholes, Ms. Stewart observed that the public works reporting will be a feature as well as that residents can use the app.

Councillor Cunningham also paid tribute to the work and look of the new website plan. 

(  14:30 -- 33:00    Brian Patterson, a representative from Urban Systems provided an update on the development of the City's Transportation Plan.

The purpose of the plan was to highlight the infrastructure priorities over the next 5-10 years ahead, focused on four areas, model interconnectivity, active transportation, public transportation and Driving elements.

The process of development was taken on over the course of the last year, included in that overview was community engagement that led to the development of the final plan and how to implement it in a phased approach.

The Transportation plan has also incorporated a range of other civic initiatives such as play spaces and parking planning into the document.

With the city currently engaged in infrastructure replacement, it was noted that some of the elements of the Transportation strategy could be incorporated and integrated into some of that work.

Towards questions Councillor Adey observed of the scope of the project, noting of the city's past work on the 2030 Vision plan and how he had the same feeling towards some of the elements that may be more aspirational than practical at the moment.

As was noted in the report, the Councillor observed as to how some of the city's infrastructure work could be tied into the Transportation planning.

Question and Inquiries from members of Council 

Council members had no other questions or comments for the forum

Adjournment to Regular Council Session



( 33:00 -- 34:30  )  Introduction of Late Items

Approval of Agenda  -- The Mayor reviewed the Agenda of the July 24 session and sought approval of Council  towards it, he observed of a number of additions on the night, including the June Development report and three variance development permit requests.

The Agenda was then adopted by Council.

(  34:30 -- 37:00  )  Public Comments regarding Agenda items 

One member of the community, Toby Lake came forward to speak towards some of the Transportation themes of the night and the prospect of demolition of some buildings. Among his thoughts a suggestion that further setbacks be created to develop additional transportation elements.

(  37:00 -- 47:00  )  Consent Agenda

 Report  from Corporate Administrator: 2023 Civic Recognition awards    (see page 10  of Agenda)

Council Resolution Status Update to June 2023  (see pages 11-12  of Agenda)

Report  from the Manager of Communications, Engagement and Social Development: Municipal website renewal   (see pages 13 - 15 of Agenda)

Monthly Fire/Rescue report   (see pages 16 - 17 of Agenda)

Proclamation: National Drowning Prevention Week  (see page 18  of Agenda)

Report  from the Director of Operations and Intergovernmental Relations: Infrastructure Replacement Strategy/Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund (DMAF)   (see pages 19 - 20 of Agenda)

Report  from Chief Financial Office: May 2023 Financial Variance Report   (see pages 21 - 25 of Agenda)

Mayor Pond observed of a few of the themes for the public to review from the Consent agenda.

Of the themes, the Mayor called on the City Manager to speak to the DMAF proposal, with Mr. Buchan noting that the city had applied for 82 million dollars in federal funding to with the recently received 65 million of funding from the province. 

As part of that funding request, the city is also required to provide for its own funding, which is currently in process through the twin infrastructure loan authorizations.

Mr. Buchan paid tribute to the work of Director Richard Pucci on the work so far towards the initiatives.

Mr. Pucci provided a review of the ongoing concerns over the city's water infrastructure system and the steps that the city has taken so far to address the issues and seek out funding towards the work.

As part of his overview, he also highlighted how the work can be twinned with other service providers and to implement elements of the transportation plans.

He stressed the concerning nature of the ongoing failure of the Water system.

The Mayor observed how the financial numbers are not pulled from thin air and highlighted the need for the civic to put in its own financial resources to address the infrastructure concerns. 

Noting of the Loan Authorization process underway through the Alternate Approval Process, noting that without the city's ability to inject funding, the Federal contribution would shrink.

He also noted how the current water concerns is the most important item that this council will have to deal with and then spoke of the city's ongoing efforts to find other sources of funding to lessen the impact of the borrowing requirements.

Mr. Pond also highlighted that the work ahead will be disruptive to the community and  that some patience will be required.


North Coast Regional District Board Highlights  (see page 26 of Agenda)

Email from Northern Health : Re BC Speak Survey  (see page 27 -29 of Agenda)

Letter from the Office of the Mayor from the City of Surrey: Re RCMP    (see page 30 -32 of Agenda)

Letter from the Office of the Province of British Columbia: Re RCMP   (see pages  32 -  34 of Agenda)

Thank you card from the Lester Centre (Chris Armstrong): Re Mamma Mia.  (see pages 35-36 of Agenda)

Ministry of Emergency Management and Climate Readiness Community News  (see pages of 37 - 44 Agenda)

Invitation to Review and Comment on the NCRD Draft 2 Solid Waste Management Plan and Attend a Council   (see pages of 45 - 46 Agenda)

Resolution submitted to the 2023 UBCM Convention from the City of Prince George.  (see page 47 of Agenda)

Letter of Support from the North Coast Regional District : Re Prince Rupert Port Authority's Community Investment Fund for public recycling bins in Port Edward.  T (see page 48 of Agenda)


Council then approved all items of the Consent Agenda which was accepted and filed 

Staff Reports

( 47:00 -- 59:00 )  Report from the Director of Development Services: Prince Rupert Transportation Plan   -- Council received a  report  recommending approval of the plan and to provide direction to Staff. Mayor Pond highlighted the scope of the plan and outlined how the 300 page report is available on the civic website review. Of note for the council review, the Mayor observed how the implementation of the elements would be advanced as budget and resources allow.

Towards comment on the document, Councillor Adey continued on with his previous theme of review of the plan and observed that it is a document that would take some time to implement, noting of some areas of interest.

Those included, that it's just one step in improving transpiration in the city and to be realistic would be an extremely expensive process and at the moment prohibitive. 

He noted that the city can put in place as much or as little from the plan as they desire. The Councillor noted of the limited financial resources that the city has at this point and the more urgent requirements, though there are opportunities with the water and sewer work ahead to implement some of the elements of the plan.

The Councillor noting that they could implement as much of the plan as possible, but noting how it's understood that it's aspirational and council will take what they can and do what they can.

Councillor Niesh echoed many of the themes of Councillor Adey, observing of it as a plan paid through by a grant, large in ideas and maps, but noting that owing the city's financial limitations at the moment, the city's only recourse at the moment is when they tear up a street they may be able to implement some of the elements.

Councillor Cunningham also had similar themes to relay, describing the plan as a great wish list, but calling attention to some of the elements that the city has no control over. He also noted of the lack of costing for many of the items that made for the plan. As the others had, his focus was on the current infrastructure concerns facing the city.

City Manager Robert Buchan, spoke to the current situation and its importance, but observed how the transportation plan strategy lays out the framework for a better future and incorporates many goals and aspirations. Something that will allow the city to speak to other levels of government and agencies towards where they can focus such things as grant applications.

He expressed some optimism that over the ten years ahead, the city may achieve many of the areas of interest from the report.

Councillor Forster noted how passing the motion did not mean that the city was committing to anything, but as opportunity come up, the city may be able to address some of the elements that were outlined.

Councillor Randhawa also noted of the opportunities it highlights over the next ten years for the city to explore.

Council then voted to approve the motion. (see pages 49 - 235  of Agenda)

(59:00 -- 1:01:00 )  Report from the Corporate Administrator: Remedial Action Order for 741 - 3rd Avenue West  -- Council received a  report  recommending that Council direct staff to  proceed with a Remedial Action Order for the building at 741-3rd West, with the cost towards its removal be placed on the property taxes for the property.  Council was also asked to also approve the removal of the bus and vehicle on that property, with the cost of removal added to the taxes on the property. Mayor Pond provided some additional background on the properties in question that associatied to the former Rosies location adjacent to the former Belmont Hotel site. Council approved the motion with no discussion. (see pages 236 - 237 -  of Agenda)

1:01:00 -- 1:03:00 Report from the Corporate Administrator: Remedial Action Order for 1112 & 1133 Second Avenue West    -- Council received a  report  recommending that Council direct staff to  proceed with a Remedial Action Order for building removal located at 1127 & 1133 2nd Avenue West. The costs of removal placed on the property taxes for the said property; As well it was  recommended that Council direct staff to provide notice to the property owner in accordance with Section 77 of the Community Charter.  The Mayor once again provided background on the property in question known as the Angus Apartments. Council approved the motion with no discussion (see pages 238 - 239 of Agenda)

There were three late additions to the Agenda 

1:03:00 -- 1:04:30 ) Development Permit Application: DVP 23-14-- Council received a request for a development   permit for a property on Rudderham Place, Council approved the motion to move forward to statutory notification with no discussion.

1:04:30 --1:05:00 Development Permit Application: DVP 23-15 -- Council received a request for a development   permit for a property on 8th Avenue East, Council approved the motion to move forward to statutory notification with no discussion.

1:05:30 --1:06:00 Development Permit Application: DVO 23 15 -- Council received a request for a development  permit for a property on Ritchie Street, Council approved the motion to move forward to statutory notification with no discussion.

1:06:00 --1:06:30 )Mayor Pond also outlined a note from the Closed session previous to the Regular council, advising that the City of Prince Rupert would be hosting the 2025 North Central Local Government Association meetings in Prince Rupert.

Business Arising

( 2:21:00 -- 2:30:00   Council Round Table and Public Question Period --  

Councillor Forster asked for an update from staff on the recent challenges relayed by the organization PURS.

Councillor Adey spoke to the theme of public notification and recounted some of the turbulence that the city has encountered in past public notifications. Observing of the importance of the public notification element and the opportunity for the public to make use of the public comment period at each council session to speak to their concerns.

He observed how it's important that the city ensure that the answers are provided in an endorsed, or formalized way.

Towards that he highlighted a concern he had received from a local resident about the bridge at the Salt Marsh and the need for it to see some safety modifications. 

In reply, the city's Operations Director advised that the City was aware of the situation and was in the process of addressing the issue, they had looked to the work three months ago but with supply delays the material has arrived and the project will be addressed shortly.

City Manager Buchan observed on the public comment period, noting how it was not to be viewed as a Question and Answer period, but that city staff does take notes on the views that are shared and where appropriate they do attempt to follow up.

Council Forester spoke to a previous question from the public on the public swim issue of a few weeks ago and praised City staff for taking the issue and seeking a solution to the situation that was raised.

The Mayor observed that the city has really great staff that are receptive to feedback from the public.

Mr. Pond also echoed some of the City Manager's comments related to the public comment period, noting how the city builds its agendas to avoid 'gotcha questions' as they strive to come prepared for their sessions.

He suggested that staff develop a Frequently Asked Question component to the civic website for Council to refer residents to towards those themes that continue to arise.

With Council off for over a month ahead, the Mayor wished all a safe and enjoyable summer period.

Adjournment -- The Mayor brought the session to a close with a call to adjourn 

You can access our Council Archive for July 24 here, from that page a number of items regarding the Council Session, including links to any local media coverage can be found.

As always, our Council Timeline is only a reflection of our observations from the Council session of the night. Be sure to consult with the official minutes from the City, when posted to their website for further review.

Council continues with their more relaxed summer schedule of once a month sessions,  with the next Regularly scheduled session to take place on Monday, August 28th .

That session starts at 7PM.

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