Part of the information campaign focuses on driving practices, with a reminder that RCMP members are always on the watch for impaired drivers and will continue to be so through the summer.

As anyone who has travelled through the summer, the hot weather months also mean construction season is underway.
With many of the road rehabilitation projects in BC taken on while the conditions are best, towards that theme, the RCMP also remind motorists of the rules regarding Construction Zone Safety practices and the need to slow down while transiting through those areas, following the posted speed limits as they apply.
There is also a reminder as to the risks associated with hitch hiking, with a number of suggestions offered up to those that choose to make use of a hitching a ride in the province. Should you accept rides from strangers, they offer up four key things to keep in mind.
Let someone know where you are going, and when to expect to get there and that you arrived safely.
Carry a mobile phone and identification with you at all times.
If you hitchhike, use roads that are heavily travelled. Always note the description of anyone who offers you a ride, including their vehicle.
Share information about suspicious persons with police – you could SAVE a life!
A full review of the safety suggestions for the summer of 2015 can be found from the RCMP's media information portal here.
For more items related to the work of Northwest Emergency Service providers see our archive page here.
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