Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Connected Coast program sees comment period open on land use plan for connection to Haida Gwaii

The path of fibre connectivity for Haida Gwaii
will start in Prince Rupert to Oona River and
then across Hecate Strait to Tlell

See update below:

Another step forward for the highly touted Connected Coast project is now underway with Prince Rupert based CityWest making application with the Provincial Government for an application for a Disposition of Crown Land.  

That as the communication company notes of its interest to use Bonnilla Island to Tlell as key points towards connecting Haida Gwaii to the fibre project. 

The Connected Coast group have made application for a
Licence of Occupation for Telecommunication purposes on Crown Land
with Bonilla and Dauphin Islands of note to the application

As part of the Environmental Management plan submitted to the provincial government  Blue Otter Consulting which is steering the application for the Connected Coast group outlines the full scope of the project. 

When the project gains momentum, it will entail the installation of a submarine fibre optic cable network between Tell and Oona River. Once installed, the documentation notes that the network will improve the access, capacity, affordability and reliability of internet and other telecom services for residents in rural and remote communities.

While the proponents of the project move forward on the application process, they have still to yet set a construction timeline with the four elements related to this portion of the expansive connected coast plans still to be announced.

The documents submitted to the government reviews any potential environmental impact on the areas in question. As well, the information package provides for a range mitigation measures that they may make use of towards those impacts.

You can review the full package for consideration through the links below

Application Review page

Environmental Management Plan

As part of the process of application, those with concerns or comments related to the proposed route of the project can submit those observations to the Provincial Government, to do so you can use the comment form included as part of the application.

You can also contact the Terrace office of the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Operations, comments can be directed to Senior Operations Specialist, MFNNRO -- 200 - 5220 Ketih Avenue, Terrace BC V8G 1L1.

The reference number for the Connected Coast file is 6409262

The deadline to submit contributions to the process is the close of business on July 23, 2021.

Earlier this year, CityWest received more than 10 million dollars towards the connectivity program.

Update: CityWest has also applied for a second Application for Disposition of Crown land, this one in the vicinity of Oona River, Metlakatla and Lax Kw'alaams, you can access the documentation here.

The reference. number for that Connected Coast file is 6409265

The deadline for contributions is August 18th, 2021

With the Connected Coast project reaching its latest benchmark, we have created an archive page to track the progress of the ambitious fibre initiative, you can review some of its history from our items of note here.

A wider overview of CityWest themes is available here.

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