Thursday, November 5, 2020

Education the theme for World Tsunami Awareness Day

With a recent state of alert for tsunami still fresh in our minds, today will bring a bit of extra resonance for residents of the North Coast and Haida Gwaii, as residents here join those members of the global community in marking World Tsunami Awareness Day.

The educational event which is coordinated by the United Nations Office of Disaster Risk Reduction, provides for a wealth of resource material to educate coastal populations of the dangers posed by Tsunamis once the shaking of a significant earthquake has stopped.

The UN information page can be reviewed here.

British Columbia also marks Tsunami Awarness with a dedicated week towards the theme in the Spring. 

When it comes to preparing for a potential Tsunami, Prepared BC has a wide range of information options to review.

The North Coast and Haida Gwaii are part of Tsunami Zone A, while the Central Coast is part of the Zone B sector, you can review all of the Notification Zones here.

Locally in Prince Rupert, in the event of any kind of Tsunami risk, information would be relayed directly to your phone or mobile device, providing you have downloaded and enabled the City of Prince Rupert's Mobile App.

You can learn more about that option here.

Two years ago, the City distributed an Emergency Preparedness brochure across the community, you can learn more about what the City had to offer here, with a wider over view of civic info found here.

British Columbia has five stages of Tsunami Alerts to take note of.

Any potential threat would be relayed through the Emergency Info BC information streams

Emergency Info BC Twitter

Emergency Info BC website

A handy resource during any Tsunami situation is the NOAA  hosted Tsunami Warning System, which include British Columbia as part of its relay of information from Alaska to California.

A look back at some of our past seismic and tsunami related events can be explored here.

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