A new Social Media page has brought to life the love of reading with the Reading for Rupert Facebook page, a project targeted for the region's youngsters which is providing for just one more option to help residents of the North Coast navigate these unusual times of the COVID-19 health situation.
The introduction to the project outlines the three key goals for the program which include:
Connect Children and our community with the front line workers in Prince Rupert through storytelling.
Give a few minutes of smiles, joy and comfort to children who may be worried or concerned these days.
Foster and cultivate our most valuable resource, that of hope.
Launched over the Easter Weekend, the new portal has already featured three stories that have been shared by community residents:
The First from SD52 Superintendent Irene LaPierre who presented My Heart Fills with Happiness by Monique Gray Smith.
The second book was "Where is a Mouse Woman" by Gryn White, presented by Lucy Woodman, a Child and Youth Health Clinician in the region.
Edition number three features Mr. McDowall an elementary school teacher from Roosevelt Elementary, his presentation showcases Ten Counting Cat by Robert Chaplin.
Follow along with the Facebook page for Reading for Rupert to see what's up next on the reading list.
You can also check things out through their Instagram feed.
To find out how you can contribute to the project, contact the project at

For more items of note on Community Events in the region see our archive page here.
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