Monday, January 22, 2024

Operations Director brings quick response to Council line painting concerns

The City's concerns on line painting in BC will be put
in focus though a letter to the Ministry of Transportation 

Richard Pucci, the City of Prince Rupert's Director of Operations has made a quick turnaround on a request from the last Council session related to concerns over the lasting ability of the city's road line painting program.

As we outlined earlier this month, the topic which is a constant issue for the raising by Council, was reintroduced by Councillor Wade Niesh on January 8th. 

With Mr. Niesh asking that the City forward a letter to the provincial authority responsible to seek action on the less than satisfactory line painting materials.

Mr. Pucci will provide a letter for Council to review tonight as part of their Consent Agenda, which puts the City's concerns into focus and seeks remedy from the Ministry of Transportation.

The Operations Director also notes in his correspondence that the City plans to raise the issue as part of the resolutions process of the UBCM gathering this fall.

click to enlarge

As it is part of the Consent Agenda portion of the night's proceedings, the topic will only come up for discussion if Council members choose to pull it out of the package and speak to the topic.

Further items of interest from the Operations Department can be explored here.

More notes related to this evening's Council Session can be reviewed through our Council Preview.


  1. A good many areas in town have not seen paint for around four years. I would like to suggest it might not just be the type of paint but also lack of application.

  2. It’s hard to keep paint on the roads when they are continually being dug up to fix broken pipes…

  3. The area of concern Mr. Niesh mentioned is seriously dangerous. After seeing many near misses I was almost in an accident today as someone went around a car turning in McDonald’s and decided to drive straight through in the turn lane.
    The city has a duty to keep the roads properly marked, signage, etc. they are aware of this area and could possibly face a lawsuit if someone was hurt.
    I’m so frustrated with them.

    1. The city's lack of funds has led to withdrawal of some maintenance around the city. One of the easiest to grab funds from is line painting. People tend not to notice for a couple of years, the city blames the weather. Do less and less each year until it reaches a point where it will require a large amount of money to bring it back to a minimum standard.

      Lack of funds should not jeopardize road safety.
