Monday, January 29, 2024

Park Avenue area targeted in recent vehicle vandalism spree

An image on social media over the weekend of some of the
damage inflicted on vehicles in the Park Avenue area of the city
(image from Prince Rupert Community Bulletin Board FB)

The latest in what seems to be an ongoing issue of vandalism and property damage in the city has apparently taken place along Park Avenue in recent days, with a social media post over the weekend noting of a number of vehicles being damaged along a stretch from Five Corners to the Totem Motor Hotel.

It's noted in the social media post that an RCMP file has been generated from the activity.

In recent weeks, the downtown core saw some vandalism at the location for the old Daily News as Second Avenue West and Seventh Street.

The issue of property damage to vehicles comes with some additional challenges for residents at the moment, with the closure of the only auto body shop in town and a lack of ICBC resources in the community. 

That's an issue that City Councillor Gurvinder Randhawa has raised a few times now at City Council.

The topic of the Downtown vandalism did make for a comment earlier this month from City Councillor Wade Niesh who called for more police patrols in the city and  noted that Council may want to hear more from the local RCMP related to the issues in the area of late.

"I just wanted to talk about the great things of seeing  our downtown finally , some of these old buildings coming down and disappearing. 

But then on the other hand, we've got buildings that are getting more plywood put on to them.

So I think we're going to have to talk to the police ... or more policing downtown to you know keep these people from busting window out and causing these business to board up empty buildings.

So maybe we could have a discussion with the RCMP" -- Councillor Wade Niesh at the January 8th 2023 Council session

So far the Prince Rupert RCMP have not issued any form of statement on any of the incidents in recent weeks, whether through their detachment website or social media stream.

More notes on Emergency Responders in the region can be reviewed from our archive page.

1 comment:

  1. Annual Prince Rupert crime statistics between 2018-2022 can be found here.

    Each year 50-100 local youths are involved with criminal acts.

    On average, Prince Rupert has about 2500 incidents annually (adult and youth). Only 20% of individuals who commit crimes in Rupert are charged.

    So if you witness a criminal act or are a victim of a criminal act, report it through the proper channels.

    Stop letting these individuals get away with their actions.

    Let local criminals know that if they choose to break the law, there will be consequences.
