Friday, January 27, 2023

City Hall highlights the GO MAP as a Go To destination for Prince Rupert information seekers

The Planning and Development Map one of a number of
visual options from the City's Go-Map program

Click before you call, that's the message from City Hall as staffers highlight the opportunities available through the City of Prince Rupert Go Map program.

Earlier this week, the City outlined the various uses for the online Go Map program, the maps available offering up access to locating plots at the Cemetery, tracking your Garbage and Recycling information as well as property search options for those looking for a visual of properties in the community.

You can access the Go Map feature from the City website here.

More notes of interest from City Hall can be explored through our archive page.


  1. So you can find a burial plot online in the Hermit Kingdom.

    But to obtain a dog license a resident has to use a form that doesn't exist on the city website or visit city hall Monday - Friday 9:30am – 4:30pm.

    1. Rather than this cranky anonymous commentor perpetually adding displeasure to this anonymous blog, why not send this very specific feedback to City Hall so they can actually address it ?

    2. I prefer innovative over cranky

  2. This is a blog not a civic suggestion box. The "Hermit Kingdom" comments simply point out inconsistencies and 'opportunities for improvement', and without calling people names or casting aspersions, like "cranky" or "foolish" for instance.
