Saturday, March 11, 2023

Time for a time shift, as we once again Spring forward with the annual spring Time change

Well he game it his best shot, but the clock ran out on former Premier John Horgan's quest to do away with the annual movement of time at Spring and Fall.

The long time fan of Star Trek was never able to issue the command of "Make it So" when it comes to banishing the annual ritual of moving the hands of time forward and back

That owing to a bit of recalcitrance from of our neighbours to the south, and while there are rumblings that our American neighbours are getting closer to banishing the need for a time change twice a year.  

They aren't there yet ... 

Is time running out on changing clocks twice a year? US Sunshine Protection Act may hold key
BC officials go back and forth over looming daylight saving time, which begins Sunday
BC still waiting on US for permanent daylight time

So tonight we change our clocks one more time (and hopefully for the final time).

The spring time change means we lose that hour of valuable sleep that we cherish and as ICBC and range of other organizations will tell us, it also means we approach next week with some sleep deprived areas of note.

This year we gain some guidance from Road Safety at Work, who caution us on the challenges on the roads as we adjust to the time change over the days ahead

They note that the time change on March 12 can disrupt circadian rhythms, the process that regulates our sleeping cycle. It can cause some people to lose sleep for several days. 

The resulting fatigue affects our ability to safely drive. 

Towards that they offer up a bit of guidance for those with travels ahead.

Get enough sleep during the time change by going to bed early in the days immediately before and after the time change. Aim for 7 to 8 hours each night. 

Keep your energy levels up by eating good meals and healthy snacks. 

Don’t leave driving until the end of the day when you’re bound to be tired. 

Avoid distractions by putting away your phone.

More on the negative aspects of our Shift to Daylight Savings Time can be reviewed here.

Still, until everyone in North America is in sync on the issue, the time changing will continue and you have some things to tend to overnight.

The work towards the time change has lessened as our electronic devices began to take over our lives, but you may still have a few timepieces in your collection that require some manual attention.

The wise take care of the work prior to retiring for the night, but for the time change purists out there, the attention to time change protocol comes at 2 AM.

More notes on Community themes can be reviewed from our archive page.

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