Monday, March 6, 2023

With December waterline projects still unfinished as we move into March; Council should offer up city residents some notes on where each project may be at

Two major projects related to the City's Local State of Emergency in December are still ongoing, with no indication so far from the City's Operations Department as to when they may be putting a wrap on the work that was originally required owing to concerns over the city's waterline network.

Of the many jobs taken on during the Arctic Blast of December that resulted in the declaration of the Local State of Emergency, both the Crestview work and that of First Avenue East continue on, though the pace of that work seems to have slowed from the urgency of December.

The work on First Avenue which began in December continues on, with
most of the heavy equipment moving further down the Block past the
Broadwater building

Applewaite leading up to Crestview, and the intersection at the top of the hill
have been closed since work began in December on water issues in the area.
(click on images above to enlarge)

City Council has not spoken of those challenging times to any extensive review since their return to the Council Chamber in January and as we head into their fifth regular Council Session for 2023 tonight, it's well past the time for an update as to why the work continues on and if there is any kind of a finish date in mind towards it and the return of traffic to both locations.

The Broadwater project in particular seems to be developing an expanding footprint of late, a situation that has some resemblance to  that of the McBride Street work in 2022.  

That a project which was completed in October of 2022, and  took just over four months to complete and with some additional costs recorded than anticipated at the start.

Where the city is at when it comes to both projects from December and what  if any additional factors have come  to cause for the ongoing delays in reopening the streets is an area for Council to seek some answers on.

As well,  some inquiries by Council members towards any additional costs which may now be in place when it comes to both projects and how the City plans to address those costs moving forward, would be helpful for residents to better understand the current status for each.

More notes on Operations themes can be reviewed here.


  1. It would be nice to know the projected costs for these two projects. Then a plan put forward for ongoing repair of the worst of the lines rather than waiting for them to blow creating repair at the worst times.
    What happens if a water line breaks the other side of Crestview Circle will Crestview be isolated. Is there a plan for anything?

    1. It would be nice if port industry paid its fair share in property taxes so we actually had the money to fund these fixes instead of borrowing.
