At Monday evening's City Council session, the City announced that they have hired a new City Manager. As Robert Long prepares to sign on board and guide the city through some interesting times.
The appointment was made at an in-camera (closed) session earlier in the night, with Dan Rodin making the public announcement in the Public Session of Monday's Council meeting. (20:30 minutes to 21:00 minutes) of the City Video Archive.
Mr. Long will take up his duties on May 15th, bringing an end to the nearly five month search for the replacement to Gord Howie, who left for southern Vancouver Island in January.
Mr. Long, who was born in Prince Rupert but moved away to pursue his career, returns to the North Coast after a number of stops in Municipal Governance, both in British Columbia and the North West Territories.

He comes to Prince Rupert from his most recent duties as City Administrator in Yellowknife, North West Territories.
Yellowknife media sites provided these backgrounders upon his arrival in that city, in July of 2010.
Northern News Service
With follow up reports on the nature of his departure from his position in the NWT capital late last year.
CBC North
Northern News Service
Northern Journal
In an article in the Northern View, Councillor Nelson Kinney outlined some of Mr. Long's family history in Prince Rupert, with his father having served the City in the 1950's and 60's.
The new City Manager, who brings over 20 years of public service, takes up his duties on May 15th, the same day that the Acting City Manager and CFO Dan Rodin departs the city's employ
You can view the various tributes to Mr. Rodin's years of service to the City from the Council Session of May 13th, from the Video Archives on the City's Website.
( Councillor's Thorkelson, Ashley, Carlick-Pearson 29:00 minutes to 32:30 minutes )
(The Mayor 41:30 minutes to 44:20 minutes)
With the new City Manager set to take to his duties, the first order of business will be to find a replacement for Mr. Rodin.
Local media reports on the hiring of the New City Manager can be found below:
The Northern View-- New City Manager hired in Prince Rupert
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