Thursday, December 15, 2022

Water infrastructure issues sends City crews to Crestview area

Residents of the Crestview area on the city's east side
will be finding some significant traffic of city vehicles and
equipment on the street today
(From Goole Maps)

The work day for City's Operations workers will begin with some digging, as the City of Prince Rupert advises residents of the Creativew area of some extensive work ahead today.

A notice to the City's Social Media stream and other information platforms just before 9AM outlined the background to a break in one of the key water mains that seres the city's water supply, the City outlining its response to the situation.

The break in the water main in the Crestview area is just the latest infrastructure issue for the city to have to take care of, with 2022 having been a particularly challenging year for the city's works department.

Update: The City has added to its information on the Crestview situation with an advisory towards potential water discolouration and further traffic impacts in the area.

You can review some of the past issues and planning for future infrastructure requirements from our archive page here.

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