The lengthy zoning process that proponents of a supportive housing residence on the east side of the city have been navigating for a number of months now, could finally come to a conclusion tonight.
That as the 333 Trinity House proposal goes to Public Hearing at the start of tonight's Prince Rupert Council Session, with one final look at the plans for an east side supportive housing residence.
As part of the process, the City Planner will provide a report on the proposed zoning amendment, including a look at the written contributions received by the City.
Those correspondences include comments from those that are in support of the supportive housing residence, as well as those who have concerns about it's location.
Community residents in the public gallery will then be able to offer their own commentary related to the zoning amendment, with a public comment period to follow the report.
Council members will then consider the the zoning change request later in the Regular Council session.
The Public Notice from last week outlines how the process for tonight's Public Hearing will take place.

If you cannot attend the Public Hearing, all written submissions (mailed, or electronic) must be received by the City Planner by no later than 12:00 Noon on March 26, 2018. Please mail to City of Prince Rupert, 424 3rd Avenue West Prince Rupert, B.C. V8J 1L7 or email to
The full Notice to the public can be reviewed here.
The documentation related to the Public hearing of this evening can be reviewed from the City's Agenda for the Council session tonight,
You can review some of our past notes related to the proposed development below:
March 1 -- Supportive Housing facility proposal heads to Public hearing set for March
February 15, 2018 -- City Council passes motion for Housing Agreement with 11th Avenue East Supportive housing proposal
January 9, 2018 -- Supportive Housing proponent schedules information meeting for January 8th
December 8, 2017 -- Supportive Housing proposal for 11th Ave East moves on to consultation phase
December 4, 2017 -- Supportive Housing application for 11th Ave East property up for review at tonight's Council session
The 333 Trinity House Recovery program hosts this website, which outlines what the facility is going to offer to the North Coast.
Further background on tonight's City Council session can be found on Council Preview feature for this evening's session.
To follow some of the past items related to the Public Hearing process see our archive here.
You can also review the range of Council topics discussed this year by city officials, those notes can be found as part of our Council Discussion page.
To return to the most recent blog posting of the day, click here.
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