Thursday, December 1, 2022

Images of Ukraine for the viewing this weekend at the Ice House Gallery

A unique opportunity to explore the visual beauty of Ukraine comes this Saturday, as the Prince Rupert Rupert Ukrainian Society hosts  a photography exhibition at the Ice House Gallery in the Atlin Terminal.

The photo display of "In Ukraine" comes from the camera talents of Serhii, who currently is  in Western Ukraine.  

He provided thirteen pieces of his work for the exhibit available for viewing from Noon to 2 PM.

As part of the showing, Prince Rupert's Ukrainian Society will also have items available for purchase through the month of December.

During the opening of the art exhibition, the Society will present traditional Ukrainian embroidery as part of the December display.

You will also have the opportunity to purchase items such as, Pysanky eggs, Calendars, and authentic prints of Ukraine during the exhibition for the month of December.

Learn more about the work of the Prince Rupert Ukrainian Society from their website and Social Media feed.

Find out more about what's happening at the Ice House Gallery this month here.

The Photo Exhibit is one of a number events that make for part of Winterfest 2022,  learn more about Prince Rupert's welcome to Winter and the Holiday season here.

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