To rework a phrase from Alan Jackson and Jimmy Buffet, It's Santa Time somewhere ...
The annual journey of the North Pole's Number One Delivery Guy is underway and as this Christmas Eve moves through the day on the North Coast and into the evening we will offer up snapshots of Santa's journeys across the many time zones of the globe.
To follow the Jolly Elf and his team of reindeer you can find up to the second reports from the NORAD tracking stations across North America as they take note of stops along the way and where the flight plan is heading next.
The Radar and Satellite Feeds are live and ready to deliver news
from this link.
Updates are also available through the
NORAD twitter feed.
While a
NORAD Tracks Santa YouTube page also features notes on the journey for today.
As well, while the youngsters of the Northwest and Southeast Alaska wait for Santa's stopover, you can explore the music, games and other features available from the NORAD Site Here.
Google has also been busy developing a page of entertaining fun for youngsters to pass the time until they have to head for bed and await Santa's arrival,
you can check that page out here.
Our Snapshots for the Day can be found below:
Just After Midnight Prince Rupert time |
The 1 AM Prince Rupert Time update |
1:30 AM Santa's up and away his journey underway |
8:30 AM We pick up Santa's Trail over Central Russia |
Here's where Santa has visited so far during his travels this Christmas Eve |
Just after 9 AM and it's India calling |
At 10 AM Santa was just pulling away from Abu Dhabi |
11 AM report finds Santa flying over Ethiopia |
Our Noon hour report and It's lamb and feta on the snack list
as Santa arrives in Greece |
1PM finds Santa travelling across Africa |
2PM and Santa is departing Poland destination Stockholm |
Hola Ho Ho ... Santa's delivering to Spain in the 3 PM hour |
4PM and Irish Eyes are Smiling,
as Santa heads Belfast way and points South |
5 PM and it's on to Argentina |
6 PM and Santa hits Canadian Airspace, Newfoundland and then to New Brunswick |
7 PM Sounds like there's some Country music on the
Santa Sound System as the Big Man crosses the Florida/Georgia line |
8 PM Bienvenue au Quebec pour Pere Noel ...
into Easter Quebec for Santa |
Midnight in the East, 9 PM in British Columbia ... Never mind the eggnog, line up the Corona's ...
Santa's heading to Cancun |
10 PM Crossing back into Canada, from Minnesota to Manitoba |
11 PM Santa is working his way North, currently on the West Coast of Mexico |
11:30 PM Getting Closer, heading north from Calgary to Edmonton |
11:45 Things are getting serious now, Fort St. Johan and on to Cranbrook |
Best be in bed soon, 12:50 AM and it's Victoria time |
1:03 AM Santa has left Canadian Airspace and is in Alaska, bound for Juneau and then down to Hawaii
We have received this Eyewitness Account from the rooftops of a residence on the East Side of Prince Rupert as Santa went North:
"He Sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle, And away they all flew like the down of a thistle, But heard him exclaim, 'ere he drove our of sight!
"Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night" |
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