Saturday, April 6, 2013

Observing the Democratic process and a paycheque to go with it

While many of us take some time to ponder our choices in the upcoming May 14th Provincial Election, others perhaps are thinking of what they could do with the extra money that they might pick up as observers of the process.

Elections BC has issued the call for election day workers, those people that man the voting stations across the province to ensure the smooth flow of the democratic process.

A recent ad in the weekly paper advised of the opportunity for employment for Election Officials on May 14th, positions assisting voters at voting locations which could pay $250 dollars for the day.

No previous experience is required for the day job, though reliability, enthusiasm and the ability to remain non-partisan for the day, are among the traits that would carry you through a very long workday.

It all of course may one day be a sunset industry this watching over the marking of an X on a piece of paper.

In September the Chief Electoral Officer put together an Independent Panel on Internet Voting, tasked with examining the possibilities of one day moving our voting system into the comfort of the host of your favourite Internet connection.

There's even a discussion paper from 2011 available for those inclined to look at the potential future of the way we cast our ballot.

That however, is all somewhere down the road, for the moment, the standard use of paper, a pencil and a ballot box will once again serve as our instruments of democracy.

Your first step towards Election Day is to make sure you are on the voters list and then make the effort to head to the polling station, you can learn more about the lead up to election day and your rights as a voter here.

The election takes place on Tuesday May 14th, the Prince Rupert voting centre will be the Jim Ciccone Civic Centre, with advance poll opportunities to come (watch the blog for updates as to advance polling opportunities)  in the weeks prior to election day itself.

Those options provide ample opportunity to take part in the process of selecting your next government and hey if along the way some can pick up a few dollars, then truly the democratic process pays a dividend...

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