Wednesday, January 15, 2014

NWCC looks to enhance sustainability initiatives

The commitment towards sustainability was re-affirmed last week at Northwest Community College, as the educational institution of the Northwest renewed its membership in the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education.

That association of Colleges and Universities is dedicated towards creating a more sustainable future and from that affiliation, NWCC will continue to receive support in advancing its sustainability initiatives throughout the institution and in the community.

 “Our membership in AASHE connects NWCC with a host of ideas and best practices in campus sustainability ranging from academics to operations to administrative practices,” ... “As the college continues its transformation and in alignment with our commitment to our First Nations partners and our strategic plan, it will be critical for NWCC to demonstrate the value and importance we place on the environment and on corporate social responsibility.” -- Mr. Larry White, Interim Vice President, Education and Student Services

The approach towards a more sustainable environment is not a new process for the college, having created and implemented the concept into a number of college programs and initiatives towards the goal over the last few years.

Some previous items of note from Northwest Community College on the theme of sustainability include  the first ever Green Fair , as well installing a number of  Environmental Boards around the Campus where people can post sustainability tips.

In addition programs such as the Green Marine Initiative, The College's Mining Program and Coastal Guardian/Watchman Program offered by NWCC have been recognized for their commitment to sustainability

With the renewed partnership, NWCC will have access to thousands of examples of sustainability for campus operations whether it be academic or administrative practices.

Some of those examples will be reviewed through the college's access to the Sustainability Tracking, Assessment and Rating System, which provides a wide range of pathways towards better sustainability.

You can review some of the background on last weeks announcement from this media release from NWCC.

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