Councillor Judy Carlick-Pearson called attention to concerns of residents on the West side of the city, with the councillor recounting a number of complaints that she has received from residents of the Sloan, Pilsbury and Cassiar Streets , with motorists driving well above the posted limits.
Councillor Carlick-Pearson observed that the nature of the speeding on that side of town is leaving parents fearful for their children that are play in that area.
As part of her review of the situation, she also provided details on some of her frustrations in trying to provide that information to the RCMP, outlining how her calls on the topic were frequently being re-directed to Prince George.

Councillor Ashley returned to a common theme of council of late, that being the speed of travel of Container and other truck traffic travelling through the downtown area. She expressed her ongoing concern over the high rate of speed that those trucks are travelling and how the issue could be one that results in a tragedy if not addressed.
Councillor Cunningham also provided a few thoughts on the topic as background on the issue.
At the end of the discussion, Council decided to task City Manager Long to make contact with the local detachment and seek more enhanced enforcement in the trouble areas.
You can review the discussion from the May 26th Council session, the topic of speeding issues arrives on the City's Video Archive for the session at the 1 hour, 26 minute mark.
For more background on items from Prince Rupert City Council see our Archive page.
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