Our archive of items of note on developments in the Fishing sector of the Northwest
December 22 -- UFAWU dealing with dual issues on Canadian Fish Cannery closure NCR
December 9 -- Prince Rupert Council Cannery Resolution (video)
December 9 -- UFAWU leadership speaks to City Council seeking support on fishery issues NCR
December 8 -- Prince Rupert Cannery Closure fight gets online petition NCR
December 7 -- Prince Rupert Council to receive presentation from UFAWU at tonight's session NCR
December 1 -- Policy leaves fishermen high and dry: critics
December 1 -- Cannery closure spawns a range of media opinion NCR
November 28 -- UFAWU outlines job loss strategy for Chamber of Commerce NCR
November 24 -- Task force set up for Canfisco workers facing job losses (video)
November 24 -- Task Force aids workers losing jobs at Canfisco
November 24 -- UFAWU-Unifor letter to businesses asks for political support on cannery closure issue NCR
November 20 -- Ottawa Should Take Back Pattison Group's Fishing Licenses, Unifor Says
November 20 -- Unifor, Canfisco Argue Over Expected Cannery Job Losses in Prince Rupert
November 20 -- Unifor wants Ottawa to revoke Pattison Fishing Licences
November 19 -- Union on Canfisco Licences (video)
November 19 -- UFAWU-Unifor calls for federal action on Jim Pattison Group fishing licences NCR
November 18 -- UFAWU to contact local businesses, take campaign on Canfisco on to Ottawa NCR
November 17 -- Canfisco closure raised in Monday session of Legislature NCR
November 14 -- UFAWU vows to fight cannery closure; calls for all levels of government to support Prince Rupert NCR
November 13 -- Cullen says Canfisco Situation His Number One priority
November 13 -- Cannery closure reaction (video)
November 13 -- Fisheries Minister's mandate letter notes a number of North Coast issues NCR
November 13 -- Canfisco plant restructuring plans bring reaction from area politicians NCR
November 13 -- Prince Rupert reels as cannery closure announced (audio)
November 13 -- Prince Rupert's largest cannery closing; 500 jobs in jeopardy
November 13 -- Pattison Group shuts down canning operations in Prince Rupert
November 12 -- Canfisco Layoffs (video)
November 12 -- Canfisco cannery closing operations in Prince Rupert
November 12 -- Canfisco to bring an end to Salmon canning operations at Prince Rupert plant NCR
November 12 -- Job cuts at Prince Rupert fish plant (audio)
November 12 -- Job losses a result of Canfisco restructuring
November 12 -- Critically low salmon returns prompt B.C. First Nations to call for meeting
November 12 -- First Nations Wild Salmon Alliance Requests Urgent DFO meeting
September 29 -- DFO wants your Salmon heads NCR
September 22 -- NDP's Nathan Cullen vows to protect North Coast Fishing Industry NCR
September 15 -- DFO closes shellfish harvesting west of Graham Island over Red Tide concerns NCR
September 5 -- Bad sockeye run has salmon watchers worried
September 2 -- Commercial catch upsets Skeena fish group
August 19 -- Attention All Crabbers: Be on the look out for ... The European Green Crab NCR
August 12 -- Fraser Sockeye returns can't support First Nations Fisheries: DFO
August 10 -- Alaska salmon season might miss forecast
August 9 -- Traditional fishing revival launched by First Nations man
August 5 -- Red tide: Massive, 'incredibly thick' toxic algae bloom in Pacific now stretches from California to Alaska
August 5 -- North Coast Fishing season projected to be one of the worst yet
August 4 -- Toxic algae blooming off West Coast endangering marine life and forcing seafood bans
August 4 -- Warm water puts B. C.'s Fraser River sockeye run at risk
August 4 -- Coho at risk on Sunshine Coast
July 28 -- Nations declare solidarity over herring disputes
July 24 -- Morricetown Salmon return (video)
July 23 -- Ketchikan Creek open for all salmon fishing
July 23 -- Council hears more concerns over 2015 Salmon Season NCR
July 23 -- Low Skeena Sockeye returns could mean catch restrictions
July 22 -- Fish-waste "burp" stinks up downtown Ketchikan
July 19 -- DFO delays opening of Fraser river salmon season
July 15 -- North Coast Fishermen to have another pair of 16 hour openings this weekend NCR
July 15 -- Hot, dry weather and sockeye on the Skeena River (audio)
July1 4 -- Salmon Run Numbers (video)
July 13 -- DFO keeping watchful eye on water temperatures and levels as salmon runs approach NCR
July 12 -- Warm temperatures and low water levels could pose problems for salmon run
July 10 -- Prince Rupert Fishing Concerns (video)
July 10 -- Algae Bloom Decimates Salmon Fishermen Season
July 8 -- Warning signs for the North Coast Salmon Fishery this year? NCR
July 7 -- Cross border fishing issues heating up once again as salmon season moves ahead NCR
July 6 -- B.C. salmon prices set to skyrocket with climate change, according to new study
July 2 -- Southeast Alaska trollers frustrated with low king salmon quota (audio)
June 19 -- Alliance says Fish Farms on North and Central Coast being pushed forward (audio)
June 18 -- Toxic algae blooms: What you should know about the mysterious phenomena
June 17 -- Toxic algae bloom off West Coast might be largest ever
June 17 -- Deadlock at Salmon commission leaves Southeast Alaska fishermen waiting (audio)
June 18 -- Commercial Groundfish Harvester Fined $23,000 for North Coast Violations NCR
June 8 -- Ocean 'blob' of warm water bringing poor food for wild salmon
May 22 -- Report on Fishing Industry highlights the changing times facing Prince Rupert's once dominant industry NCR
May 14 -- Lucrative spot prawn season begins in B. C. (video)
April 15 -- End of 2015 herring-roe fishery an escalating regional issue
April 1 -- Herring Fishery Job losses in Prince Rupert (video)
April 1 -- More bad news for B.C.’s wild sockeye
April 1 -- Heiltsuk First Nation claims victory over disputed herring fishery
March 31 -- No bounty of jobs from herring fishery for local shore workers NCR
March 31 -- Heiltsuk Nation in talks with government about contentious B. C. herring fishery
March 30 -- Vancouver DFO office stormed over Fishery
March 27 -- Cullen calls for Halt to Commercial Herring Fishery on Central Coast as tensions escalate
March 26 -- Nathan Cullen on herring fishery issues on the Central Coast (video)
March 26 -- New Seafood Industry Act (video)
March 26 -- BC Government introduces New Fish and Seafood Act
March 24 -- Rushbrook Boat Launch in need of repair (video)
March 23 -- DFO says enough herring stock for harvest
March 23 -- DFO opens herring roe fishery despite Heiltsuk nation's ban
March 20 -- B. C. Central Coast's Heiltsuk Nation announces closure of commercial herring roe fishery
March 18 -- Oolichan Run Results on the Skeena and Nass Rivers (video)
March 18 -- Illegal Shellfish Harvesting (video)
March 15 -- First Nations fight for herring to become less of a catch
March 16 -- Fishermen fear continued erosion of B. C. herring industry
March 9 -- Haida Nation finds success at the Court; No Commercial Herring fishery off Haida Gwaii this year NCR
February 26 -- Oolichan Runs on the North Coast (video)
February 26 -- Oolichan Runs Begin
February 23 -- First Nations fight feds over decision to open herring-roe fisheries
February 22 -- B. C. mines minister aims for Alaska's indigenous fishing community
February 13 -- Councillor Thorkelson looks for civic engagement on fishery issues on the horizon NCR
January 23-- Fishermen's Union Backs Haida Herring Concerns
January 23-- Council of Haida Nation takes Federal Government to court over Herring Issues NCR
January 22-- Fish Safe Funding
January 22-- First Nations, union agree herring fishery should stay shut
January 21-- Federal Government add funding to FISH SAFE program in British Columbia NCR
January 16-- Council of Haida Nation seeks stop to herring fishery off Haida Gwaii NCR
January 15-- Herring issues for Haida Gwaii (video)
January 15-- Haida Nation wants herring fishery closed by 2015: fishermen's union reacts (audio)
January 13-- Nuu-chah--nulth First Nation outlines ongoing concerns related to coastal herring fishery NCR
January 10-- DFO outlines background on conviction from 2014 offence NCR
Archive of items for 2014
Archive of items from 2012 and 2013
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