Friday, September 2, 2022

City of Prince Rupert seeks feedback on Parks and Outdoor Recreation planning

The City of Prince Rupert is asking residents to help with planning for the future of recreation and outdoor activities with a survey currently available for participation in the planning process ahead.

The initiative has been launched under the theme of Rupert Plays, a page from the Rupert Talks portal outlines the scope of these early days for the investigative work on what the community wants.

Prince Rupert is a beautiful coastal city, and with anticipated population growth, there will be growing needs for parks, outdoor recreation, and public open spaces. The City of Prince Rupert is preparing Rupert Plays, Parks and Outdoor Recreation Plan to guide planning and decision-making over the next five to ten years.

As the City explains it: Rupert Plays will align with existing plans, and work towards the City’s vision of becoming a world-class port city that is vibrant, resilient, sustainable, and a place that the community is proud to call home. 

The planning process will include a review of existing parks and outdoor recreation amenities, visioning, and recommendations for improving the experience for all park and trail users. 

The survey takes about ten minutes to fill out, with the survey period open now until September 19th.

Questions include  how often you participate in outdoor activities at parks or on trails, satisfaction with aspects of local parks, note which parks or trails participants have used from a list of options.

The survey also takes a look towards the future and what residents would like to see.

Those who complete the survey will be entered in a draw to win a Fitbit.

You can take the survey here.

The survey is the early part of the engagement process which will lead to Final plan anticipated for the Summer of 2023.

More notes on the initiative can be explored from the Rupert Talks portal here.

The launch of the Parks and Recreation review was delayed a bit from its original start date.

Some of our past notes on the initiative can be reviewed below:

July 28 -- Parks and Recreation Review still on the horizon in Prince Rupert
April 25 -- City of Prince Rupert seeks Bids for Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces 
March 28 -- City of Prince Rupert's latest RFP to seek development of Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces Plan

Increasing the Recreation options for the community was one of a number of themes introduced at the Mayor's 2030 Vision Plan back in December of 2019.

More notes on City themes can be explored through our Council Discussion archive.

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