The theme of the CBC's programming options for the Northwest, received a bit of a critique at Tuesday's council session, with the lightning rod of discussion this time the lack of any expansive coverage of the All Native Basketball Tournament this week in the city.
Councillor Thorkelson drew council's attention to some of the concerns over programming that she has with the CBC's Daybreak North program, which she believes offers up far too much review of events in Prince George. Most of which in her opinion, come at the expense of the North Coast and other regions of the CBC's coverage of Northern British Columbia.
Though, he added, that won't stop the City from offering up one more correspondence of note, to outline their concerns of this week soon to be forwarded to the CBC.
City Council is not alone when it comes to concerns over the balance of programming from the CBC, last week we outlined the preparations for a community meeting last Sunday at the Library, regarding CBC programming in the community.
Offering up some thoughts as devoted listeners, that perhaps the CBC is not quite meeting the needs of the communities that it believes it is serving.
That public session, combined with City Council now taking note of some of the programming gaps of the broadcaster, might suggest that perhaps the CBC is not quite in sync with the communities that it believes it is serving.
It will be interesting to see what becomes of Council's correspondence with public broadcaster and if a response is provided. And more importantly, if any action is taken to address the growing concerns over the programming offered to the region.
The discussion on the CBC's lack of focus on the North Coast can be found at the 56 to 1 hour mark of the Council Video Archive.
We have more on Council Developments on our City Council Archive page and with our Discussion points from Council page.
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