The main aspect of their presentation was an overview of the different projects that have been addressed and are currently underway.
Following the presentation the Mayor asked if they had any plans for expansion at Prince Rupert Harbour, he was advised that at the moment, there are no plans to expand, though they have initiated conversations on the topic.
The Mayor took that opportuninty to offer the support of council on that initiative, by way of letters of support and other assistance.
She was advised that the appointments at the moment are made by the District of Port Edward and there are no appointments to the Board from the city of Prince Rupert at the moment.
The Councillor observed that it would be helpful to see more involvement from Prince Rupert on the Board.
Mayor Mussallem outlined some concerns over the different mixture of vessels in Prince Rupert Harbour
Councillor Thorkelson asked about commercial fishing representation on the Board, and suggested that a few more commercial fishermen should be appointed to the board.
She made comment on the appearance of the floats in Port Edward which she observed were much nicer than what Prince Rupert facilities offer at Rushbrook or the other floats in the community.
Her second question was on the theme of the North Float at Fairview and she inquired as to the status
of the South float of that location.
The Councillor was advised that the facilities were updated depending on the state of their condition and which floats need to be upgraded on a priority basis.
With the Gillnet fleet using Port Edward the most, fixing up that location was a priority in recent years.
As for the topic of commercial fisherman representation, the Councillor was advised that it's hard to attract their participation owing to the nature of their work.
Suggesting that it seems that the inclination of the Harbour Authority is to have the fishing fleet shift to Port Edward, a suggestion that those making the presentation advised wasn't the case.
Councillor Garon followed up about the prospect of more involvement in the Port Edward Harbour Authority.
Councillor Kinney asked questions about the need for improvements for communication between the charter boat users and others that make use of the harbour facilities. The Harbour representatives did state that they hoped to find a way to improve the situation.
Councillor Cunningham offered up some observations on the recent improvements and the needs that still are required for the facilities in Prince Rupert.
With those thoughts the final contribution to the topic, the Mayor thanked the Harbour Authority representatives for their contribution to the night.
As a parting comment, the Harbour reps advised that they were seeking to convince the Harbour Areas Association to hose their next conference in the New Year. The Mayor asked for some background information on that for further review of council.
You can review the discussion on the Harbour themes from the City's Video Archive, the presentation and questions from Council start at the 39 minute mark.
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