With a need to create property lots for an anticipated crush of people to arrive on the North Coast in the years ahead, the City of Prince Rupert has outlined a plan to transfer a large number of parcels of land to its wholly owned development Corporation, Legacy Incorporated, for further distribution to would be property developers.
The focus for the initial release of lands will be directed to three areas of City owned properties one on the Far East side of the City off of 11th Avenue East, another on the West side off of Alpine Drive, as well as an area of land along Shawatlans Road that leads to the city's main Industrial site.
In the city's information release of Wednesday, Mayor Lee Brain made note of the current housing shortage in the city and how the city's moves will serve to address some of that situation, potentially creating hundreds of new homes for the community.
“We know there is a big housing shortage in town and it’s time for the City to step up in a big way to help. We own quite a bit of property, and dedication of lands via a Housing or Development Corporation is a key opportunity to sell lands large enough to potentially accommodate hundreds of new homes.”
The two parcels of land seemingly more suitable for housing are identified from the maps below;
The proposed lots for the end of 11th Avenue East (click to enlarge) |
An area off of Alpine Drive below the Westview School area (click to enlarge) |
The third of the parcels to be made available, covers an area just off of Highway 16 from Frederick Street to the east along Shawatlans Road, and would seem to be more of interest to the industrial users that the city notes in their information update.
Parcels of land located on the east side of the City running along Shawatlans Road towards the industrial Park (click to enlarge) |
As the City explains the process ahead, if the transfer goes forward, over the coming months Legacy Inc will be inviting developers to make offers to purchase parcels of land for purposes that meet the City’s Official Community Plan.
Lands to accommodate both housing and smaller industrial businesses are notably in short supply. Two of the areas are primarily zoned R2, Residential, and the third (adjacent to the industrial site) is currently zoned both M2 Industrial and P1 Public Use.
Those with an interest in developing the parcels up for offer by Legacy Incorporated are asked to contact Legacy Director Robert Buchan at robert.buchan@princerupert.ca to learn more about what the city has envisioned for this land release.
The city outlines through their information package how steering the properties through Legacy will benefit Prince Rupert.
New development not only will benefit the community through providing new housing options as well as locations for industrial development, but it will also provide additional tax revenue to the City, and sales revenue to Prince Rupert Legacy Inc – which can then be transferred to the City as annual dividends for infrastructure renewal and revitalization projects.
City Staff are directing those wishing to learn more about Legacy Incorporated to the city website, though the information there is rather light and does not appear to have been updated much, since the the city's financial instrument was created in 2014.
Towards moving forward with the plan, they city has outlined how anyone wishing to speak to the land transfer can make their comments, or observations known.
To do such, contact Corporate Administrator Rosa Miller via writing to City Hall or via email to rosamaria.miller@princerupert.ca no later than 4:00 p.m. Friday, April 1st, 2022.
Should the city's land release plan move forward, it will add some significant property to the stock available for development.
The City of Prince Rupert's Housing Action list from July of 2021 (click to enlarge) |
So far however, some significant parcels of land that are already available in the community still have yet to be developed.
Among some of those areas that once were proposed for some expansion to the housing stock but have seen little movement to this point include: the Kanata School lands off of Crestview and an area off of Park Avenue adjacent to the BC Ferries Terminal.
Both of which at one point were the focus for what would have been significant housing development, that more than likely would have been available now had those proposed projects moved forward.
An area of the city off of Silversides and Parker Drive previously put out for an RFP towards potential housing in the community |
Land along Drake Crescent still awaiting development for a townhome project proposed last year |
Still with the city's focus for the future framed through port expansion and that of the Port's partners, the prospect of a large influx of residents is still a major part of the anticipated planning for the future.
And towards the need for housing, the release of the city owned land should help to assist in ensuring that housing is available if all those folks ever make their way here one day.
The Legacy Fund was incorporated in 2014 and according to the city’s website is meant to “maximize benefit to the city and community,” allowing the city to use company earnings from land sales to be distributed to the city for general use.
ReplyDeleteSo here we are, eight years later.
Has the Legacy Fund been maximized to deliver value to the taxpayer?
Or has it been used to paper over the cracks at a bloated, inefficient, and unaccountable city hall?
if you read through the documentation provided by the city today, Legacy has saved taxpayers from a cumulative 21.1% tax increase for various projects, plus a 175% increase on utility fees for the water project.
Deleteif that is not maximizing value to the taxpayer, i dont know what is.
bloated and inefficient? really? look again. their CFO is also the deputy city manager. their director of operations is also the director of intergovernmental relations. their CAO is basically their planning department. their corporate admin is also doing bylaw and recreation. their deputy corporate admin is also doing HR.
Deleteyou may quibble with their priorities, but lets by fair to how hard this current crop has been working to get things done
do you consider funding a new water system and repaving roads to be a paper excercise?
Deleteprobably should pick another line of attack - Legacy has prevented our town from being like SMithers having to raise taxes double digits per year"
The overall vision and strategy for our city is great.
DeleteBut the tactical execution of that vision is glacial. And at the current residential tax rate, shame on this Rupertite for having higher expectations.
Inefficient - road planning is not planned. It is reactionary and year over year. Laneways were left out of operational planning, recycling is finally here after several setbacks. Two years to put in our first EV station, good job?
Bloated - Legacy was set up to scale with anticipated LNG development, staff were brought in and a full time mayor was put in place. Well, LNG never happened but staffing levels remained and we have the highest salaried full time Mayor west of Prince George who promised monthly updates and transparency when elected.
Unaccountable - The city has thrown in the towel on mundane civic improvements and want to download more costs onto residents via a Local Area Improvement policy. What is the civic action plan for future snow events, was anything learned from this past winter and who will lead that change in order to improve?
The current cohort at city hall aspire to be progressive on a grand scale... their lack of experience for succeeding in that goal is more and more apparent.