Monday, January 13, 2020

City Council Preview: Monday, January 13, 2020

The first session for 2020 will seemingly allow Prince Rupert's City Council members to ease into the new routine for a new year and a new decade; with an Agenda for tonight that features but one item listed as of this morning set for discussion.

That solitary item on the night being a request for a letter of support for the Omineca Trail Restoration Project, an initiative that is calling on the spirit of the Mayor's redesign Rupert vision, as a program that will help bring the community together.

And unless Council members have many questions to ask, or spend a bit of time praising the initiative, tonight could make for a fairly quick return to the Council Chamber, and perhaps an opportunity for the Council membership to set a new record for shortest council meetings.

For those residents tuning in with a stopwatch tonight, last year's benchmark of brevity is 17 minutes from February 11, 2019.

Time will tell if City Council will provide for a new bar in time management on civic business.

You can review the Full Agenda Packages for the Regular Council Session from the City Website here.

Tonight also features the first Closed Council Meeting for 2020, with tonight's 5PM session closed to public. The City citing one section of the Community Charter as to why they will Close the doors tonight.

90.1 (k) negotiations and related discussions respecting the proposed provision of a municipal service that are at their preliminary stages and that, in the view of the council, could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality if they were held in public; 

Last year Prince Rupert City Council hosted 18 such closed sessions.



Adoption of Agenda and Past minutes -- Mayor Brain will review the agenda for the evening and Council will adopt the minutes of past meetings.

Correspondences for Action 

Letter of Support Related to the Omineca Trail Restoration Project (see page 7 of the Agenda)

The evening will come to an end with any Additional Items as well as Reports, Questions and Inquiries from Members of Council.

Council members can  take advantage of the period to offer up any items or concerns that they have for consideration on the night.

The Live broadcast of the City Council session can be found here, a video archive of past sessions is available here.

Our items of note related to the January 13 session can be viewed here.

While our archive of all sessions for 2020 for Council is available here.

To return to the most recent blog posting of the day, click here.

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