Tuesday, January 4, 2022

City of Prince Rupert to return to "By appointment" program in response to Omicron variant

The City of Prince Rupert is reducing in person access to City Hall. 
Announcing a return to appointments for those seeking to contact 
municipal staff, that as part of their response to Omicron

The City of Prince Rupert is taking a page from a year ago or so when it comes to the arrival of the Omicron  variant of COVID, announcing today through their Social Media feed of the plan to return to a By Appointment program with limited access to City Hall, with the new rules to be in place as of tomorrow.

Towards dropping into the Third West offices of civic government, a maximum of only two people will be allowed in the Customer Service Side of the building at any one time. 

The City also notes that those who have made appointments previous will be attended to as a priority.

click to enlarge

The plans for the start of 2022, not much different than those put in place back in May of 2020 when the city had put in place the by appointment program.

The moves by the City come as the case count of those with the Omicron variant continues to increase across the province.

Doctor Bonnie Henry and Health Minister Adrian Dix will be hosting their first update of the new year later today, with a 1:30 information session planned to outline how the province will approach the latest shift in the COVID story in these early days of 2022.

More notes on Civic themes can be explored from our archive page.

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