Tuesday, October 4, 2022

McBride Street Closures planned for today

Work on the traffic lights at Fifth and McBride will mean that
the thoroughfare will be closed intermittently through the day today

Travellers who make use of the main corridor of McBride Street may want to find an alternative route today, that as the City of Prince Rupert alerts the public to intermittent road closures through the day as work continues on the traffic light infrastructure at Fifth and McBride.

The work on the traffic lights is just one of a number of areas where contractors are directing their attention, with sidewalks recently going in along the area from Fifth Street to Fourth Street.

So far however, any paving plans appear to be on hold as work continues on the main travel lanes which have been closed since early June when a waterman break brought about one of the larger remediation jobs on the city's aging water supply in recent times.

The last update on the progress of the Big Digs came in September from the City's Operations Director Richard Pucci. He noted at the time, that pending bad weather that was delaying some of the city's plans.

The project would seem to be up against a clock at this point, with the heavy rains of November only a month or so away.

More updates on the work of the Operations Department can be reviewed here.

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