The Corporation was created by the City to administer its dealings for any proposed LNG developments on the Tuck Inlet side of the recently expanded civic borders.
The Corporation and its operations made for even more intriguing news, with the discovery late last month that the Corporation had hired local oceanographer Dr. Barb Faggetter to conduct a study on the impact of development in the area that is part of the Lot 444 work.
With the workings of the Legacy Corporation becoming a bit of a conversation starter for the community, Council it seems has taken notice that they may want to do a bit better of a job of explaining just what it is that the Corporation does.

Public sessions where the public will be invited to ask questions and learn more about the work proposed for that area.
The sessions will provide an opportunity for the city's residents to ask any questions of the Civic officials in attendance that they may have about the Legacy Corporation
Those information sessions are planned for November 25th, with Public Hearings also planned for December 3rd and 4th, all of those public meetings will be held at a venue still to be determined.
As part of that review, Councillor Anna Ashley asked that the City find a way to provide a video home for those sessions, for further review by the public if they wish.
Towards providing more information on the nature of the Legacy Corporation, Councillor Ashley then recommended that the City provide some background on the creation of the corporation and its terms of reference, posting that information to the City's website.
A very good suggestion, though perhaps one that should have been acted upon back when the Legacy Corporation was first introduced to the public by City Council back in June.
Still, the flow of information on the Legacy Corporation seems to be in motion for the City. Hopefully, the information that is provided to the City's website will outline the scope of the Legacy Corporation's mandate, any role that members of Council, City Staff and any others that are involved in its operation have, as well as to provide for a listing of those that are now employed by the Corporation and what their tasks are on its behalf.
However, no timeline as to how fast that information will be posted on line was outlined by staff on Monday night.
The Legacy Corporation topic weaved in and out of the Lott 444 discussions on Monday, you can review those conversation points from the City's Video Archive from the 31 to 41 minute mark.
As well, Councillor Ashley's request for the information to be made public on the website can be reviewed a the 41 minute mark of the Video Archive.
More items related to the Legacy Corporation can be found on our Tuck Island LNG development archive.
A full review of the November 3rd Council session can be found on our Timeline feature.
For more items regarding City Council see our Council archive page here.
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