Making for much discussion as to just how many and what kind of employment prospects could soon be available, if and/or when, some of the many proposed LNG plants make their appearance on the north coast shoreline.
A report issued this week highlights the oncoming wave of potential job opportunities tied into the development of LNG infrastructure, though for a good many of the jobs some form of previous training and in some cases, specialized training will be required to step into the opening day lineup.
The findings are based on the working assumption that five LNG projects will gain eventual approval in the province.
The Report "B. C. Natural Gas Workforce Strategy and Action Plan" suggests that more than 75,000 full time workers will be required for the Labour Force related to LNG development and processing.

Based on the prospect of those five projects, the breakdown on employment prospects is as follows.
2,400 to operate the LNG plants and 61,700 to drill, process and transport the gas to plants.
Prior to the five plants projected entering their operational phase, the construction work force could number over 60,000, 21,600 directly involved in the construction process, 41,900 working in industries that provide goods and services to the construction sector.
With such a surge of job opportunities anticipated by the provincial government, staffing positions and providing training will seemingly be a key aspect of future development.
Towards that the report calls for co-ordination with various school programs to provide local labour pools with the opportunity for training and opportunities to work on LNG related projects, as well information sessions will be planned to attempt to attract people from outside Northern British Columbia to work on the projects.
Some reviews (with varying levels of the totals of possible employment) of the report can be found below.
Vancouver Sun-- B. C's LNG export industry could provide 75,000 permanent jobs, report claims
Business in Vancouver -- Victoria natural gas workforce strategy highlights gaps in critical positions for LNG projects
CBC-- LNG to bring more than 100,000 jobs to B. C., says report
Global News BC-- Report says 135,000 jobs open for LNG in BC Five LNG export facilities could mean 75,000 permanent jobs
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