Our archive of items of note on developments in the Fishing sector of the Northwest and Southeast Alaska.
DFO Fishery Notices
North Coast and BC Fishery
December 19 -- UFAWU-Unifor pushes back on DFO plans for Salmon Fishing licence buy back NCR
December 15 -- Federal Government looks to build back Pacific Salmon stocks with licence buy back program NCR
December 5 -- Container Terminal crunch worries North Coast fishers (audio)
November 29 -- Amid ongoing concerns over Marine Protected Area Network plans, Lax Kw'alaams host survey with results to be forwarded to DFO and other partners NCR
November 17 -- DP World seeking approval of plans for northbound expansion towards Commercial floats at Fairview NCR
November 4 -- UFAWU-Unifor alerts members to Canadian Fishing Company's plans for George Hills Way Main Plant NCR
October 31 -- Joy Thorkelson interview for BC Labour Heritage Centre one of a number of features on Prince Rupert labour history now available for viewing NCR
October 17 -- Lax Kw'alaams calls on members to become engaged in DFO consultation on Marine Protected areas NCR
August 31 -- More enforcement on Fisheries violations take place in the Northwest NCR
August 10 -- Commercial fishermen's union 'deeply troubled' with DFO's decision to close Prince Rupert sockeye fishery
August 9 -- Northwest fishermen facing a 'net' loss as they seek salmon (audio)
August 8 -- Can you a value on the ocean? (audio)
August 5 -- Fishing violations over BC Long Weekend (video)
August 5 -- Prince Rupert fisherman frustrated by DFO salmon limits he says, despite millions of fish
August 3 -- Salmon returns (audio)
August 2 -- DFO Holding engagements over discussion framework on plan to transition away from Open-pen salmon farming
July 22 -- Conservation Officer Service seizes 80 pounds of fish in Terrace (video)
July 20 -- Catch comes in ... Catch Ships Out. Prince Rupert's Canadian Fish Plant a busy place these last few days NCR
July 18 -- Freshwater Fisheries Society of BC and Clear Your Gear form partnership to keep waterways clean
Julyt 17 -- DFO plans more fishery closures under salmon management plan
July 18 -- Freshwater Fisheries Society of BC and Clear Your Gear form partnership to keep waterways clean
Julyt 17 -- DFO plans more fishery closures under salmon management plan
July 11 -- DFO releases BC Salmon Integrated Fisheries Management Plan
June 28 -- Fairview Dock concerns and impact on Fishing industry among themes for Regional District's June 17th session NCR
June 16 -- Chinook Fishery closed due to tidal waters
June 15 -- Skeena-Bulkley Valley MP Taylor Bachrach raises concerns over Federal Liberal approach to Steelhead fishery on the Skeena NCR
June 3 -- DFO closes Skeena watershed to chinook salmon fishing
June 3 -- DFO closes Skeena watershed to chinook salmon fishing
June 1 -- Pacific Salmon Foundation Holding Video Campaign celebrating BC Wild Salmon Day
May 27 -- Chinook salmon fishing closed until 2023 in the Skeena Watershed (video)
May 24 -- Port Edward Harbour Authority looking for public feedback on Port expansion plans and impact on Fairview floats NCR
May 12 -- Alaskan plunder of Canadian bound salmon is a theme for campaign to put pressure of Fisheries Minister Joyce Murray NCR
April 27 -- Salmon spending (video)
April 12 -- BC Ferries crew receives fishermen from burning vessel near Arthur Passage
March 17 -- City Council asked to be advocates for Fairview vessel owners NCR
March 7 -- Federal NDP Private Member's Bill tables proposed legislation in House of Commons in support of Wild Salmon NCR
February 23 -- Two Prince Rupert Fishery cases make for DFO round up to reinforce cost of obstructing Fishery Offices NCR
February 17 -- NDP MP's renew call for action on Pacific Fishery issues in committee and the House. NCR
February 11 -- Skeena-Bulkley Valley MP raises issues related to Employment Benefits for the Fishery in Question Period NCR
February 4 -- MP Taylor Bachrach seeks emergency action from Federal Government towards Alaska catchment of BC bound salmon NCR
January 21 -- Unemployed Fishermen having a hard time applying for EI (video)
January 21 -- Skeena-Bulkley Valley MP writes to employment minister after many fishermen denied unemployment benefits (video)
January 20 -- Hundreds denied fishing benefit in a move called unfair
January 18 -- DFO reverses plans on prawn tubbing NCR
January 17 -- Tsilhqot'in Nation calls for review of Pacific Salmon Treaty following Alaskan Interception Report
January 15 -- Key change from music to sushi
January 14 -- Canadian Salmon are being intercepted by Alaskan fisheries: report (video)
January 14 -- BC Supreme Court says Federal and Provincial governments have obligation to protect Nechako River
January 13 -- SkeenaWild throws flag on the Alaska Intercept ... with Alaskans said to be scooping up huge volumes of Canada bound species NCR
January 11 -- UFAWU-Unifor looks to work ahead in 2022 to address range of recent DFO moves NCR
Alaska Fishery
Alaska Fishery
August 8 -- Bill Walker/Heidi Drygas talk fisheries
August 1 -- A working group of researchers, tribes and residents discuss abalone sustainability in Southeast
August 1 -- A working group of researchers, tribes and residents discuss abalone sustainability in Southeast
July 22 -- Evidence of invasive green crabs found near Metlakatla, the first confirmed sighting in Alaska
July 11 -- Industrial park board backs proposal for spending Sitka hospital sale proceeds on marine haulout
July 11 -- Fishing lodge guests rescued from remote bay
June 10 -- A pandemic success story, Sitka Salmon Shares closes plant as sales tumble during the recovery
April 15 -- While it's no record, Southeast's hatchery chum rebound in 2021 is a telltale for better seasons ahead
March 14 -- Board of Fisheries seat remains vacant more than one month after governor's deadline to appoint
March 11 -- Subsistence proponents tell Board of Fish that Sitka's herring run through large - is out of reach
February 11 -- Processing plant sale divides residents hoping to preserve Pelican's commercial fishing tradition
February 2 -- Commission boosts halibut limits
January 26 -- 'Should have happened a long time ago': Hope and skepticism ahead of first meeting of governor's Bycatch Task Force
January 19 -- The state has set a record harvest for Sitka herring this spring. But a weak market will keep many of those fish in the water
January 14 -- Biden Administration pledges $500,000 to design new mariculture facility on Prince of Wales Island
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