The program which is funded by Regional and local government across the Northwest has recently found some success in their campaign with the Provincial government, with Premier John Horgan outlining the delivery of 100 million dollars in funding as a part of a one time grant for the Northwest.

Mayor Brain called the shift in direction from the province some very good news and noted that of the 100 million dollars for the Northwest, up to 8 million would be directed towards the City of Prince Rupert.
It's towards the goal of reaching consistent and reliable funding from the province that the new manager will be directing his or her attentions.
Last year the NWBCRBA received 300,000 dollars in funding towards consultation with stakeholders across the region.
The new post will see 100,000 dollars allocated towards salary and operational use for the position, the program is NWBCRBA program is funded by the member communities of the collective.
More items of note on the organization can be found from their Facebook page and website.
You can find more background related to the NWBCRBA from our archive page here.
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