North Coast Regional District is currently accepting Requests for Proposals for a project that will see a Wildfire Protection Plan developed for a number of communities on Haida Gwaii.
Funding for the project comes through the Community Resiliency Investment program and will see Protection plans created for the villages of Queen Charlotte, Port Clements, Masset and Sandspit.

The Request for Proposal outlines the scope of the work and timeline ahead for the successful bidder:
Among the requirements towards the Development and completion of CWPPs for each community’s complete AOI include:
Consultation with municipal staff, Haida Nations (staff and/or Band Council), Fire Chiefs from neighbouring jurisdictions, provincial staff (BC Wildfire Service, MFLNRO, MoTI, BC Parks, etc.), utilities (hydro, TELUS, GwaiiTel, GwaiiComm, etc.), the Sandspit Airport and other key private landowners and/or stakeholders as required to complete the project;
Review of all relevant documents and background information;
Preparation of a CWPP that fully conforms to the 2018 Province of BC’s CWPP template;
Preparation of all related and required maps, spatial data and metadata;
Provision of a draft copy of the final plan for review by each community;
Delivery of one hard copy and one digital (PDF) copy of the final plan to each community;
Presentation of each CWPP to its respective Council and key stakeholders, which can be conducted remotely if needed.
The deadline for submission arrives on July 5th.
The four Community Wildfire Plans must be completed and submitted to Regional District by March 31, 2020.
A full review of the documentation for the project can be found on the BC Bid website.
For more items of note related to Regional District see our archives here, notes of interest on Haida Gwaii can also be explored here.
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