Wednesday, September 8, 2021

French class is back in session tonight as Federal leaders return to Election 2021 debate stage in Gatineau

It's Round Dieux en Francais tonight for Canada's political party leaders, reuniting the gang from earlier this month at the TVA debate and bringing the Green Party's Annamie Paul into the discussion, making for her much anticipated first entry to the debate process.

Both Ms. Paul and People's Party Canada Leader did not get an invite to the TVA debate, with Mr. Bernier still on the outside for tonight and tomorrow's English debate.

That is making for a bit of controversy heading into the first of the two sessions this evening.

When the Debate commission made their decision on who would get an invite, the cut off point was identified as those parties which have at least four percent of the voters as of the first five days of the call to election.

The latest compilation of polling from 338 Canada as of September 7th

Since that period, the fortunes for the Greens have dropped them below 4 percent, currently listed at 3.4 percent. While depending on the poll you are viewing at any given time, Mr. Bernier's People's Party is now receiving support from close to 4 or 5 percent of those surveyed.

Something which would suggest that the order of invites for this week is flawed and an issue that the organizers may need to review for future elections.

Still, as they say, rules are rules and tonight the Five that made the cut will have a range of themes and two hours to convince voters they make for the best choice.

With the election race tightening between Liberal leader Justin Trudeau and Conservative Leader Erin O'Toole, as well as some rising polling numbers for the NDP's Jagmeet Singh, the next two nights of debate could be pivotal in shaping the home stretch for the Canadian electorate's September 20th date with the ballot box

Tonight's French language starts at 5PM BC time.

Tomorrow's English Debate will take place starting at 6PM BC time.

Both debates take place from the Canadian Museum of History in Gatineau, Quebec, find out more about both events, including a list of where you can view them from here

Further notes on the Federal election campaign in Skeena-Bulkley Valley can be reviewed here.

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