Saturday, January 1, 2022

Tracking the response to the COVID-19 Coronavirus -- 2022

Our Archive of notes that began with what was once known as the Wuhan Coronavirus and re-named the COVID-19 Coronavirus.

Orders and Notices from British Columbia's Public Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry

Coronavirus Tracker map from John Hopkins University, Baltimore USA

BC-CDC website

BC Health Minister's Archive page

Government of British Columbia Facebook Video archive

Northern Health website
Northern Health Facebook page

Federal Government COVID-19 Outbreak page

Vaccine Roll out program for Northwest BC/Haida Gwaii

Note: The Province of BC will only be providing updates on Thursdays after this week.

(As of June 23, 2022)

Provincial cases --  373,974
New cases for week --  642
Total Deaths -- 3,722
Currently Hospitalized -- 273

Total Northern Health Cases --   30,414
New Northern Health Cases this week --  41
Northern Health Hospitalized -- 9
Northern Health Critical Care -- 4
Northern Health Total Deaths -- 356

Total BC Vaccinations Distributed to Date -- 12,676,324
As of June 23, 2022

BC CDC Date Province wide June 12-18

BC CDC Date Northern Health June 12-18

BC CDC Local Health Data June 12-18


May 27 -- COVID results hood fast to previous weeks results, with Prince Rupert down to one reported case on the week  NCR
May 20 -- COIVD numbers continue to decline for most Northwest BC communities  NCR
May 13 -- COVID case count declines recorded over last seven days across NW NCR
May 6 -- Reduced case counts for most Northwest communities, moves Prince Rupert to top of the COVID case report list for this week of review  NCR 


April 1 -- Joint Statement BC's COVID-19 response


March 16 -- Joint Statement BC's COVID-19 response
March 1 -- Joint Statement BC's COVID-19 response


February 1 -- Joint Statement BC's COVID-19 response


Notes from the North Coast Review





For a wider overview of how the national and provincial media is following the story see our daily archives from our political blogs.

Ottawa Observations

COVID-19 Archive of 2021

COVID-19 Archive of 2020

To return to the most recent blog posting of the day, click here.

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